Electron pair analysis for high multiplicity events in nucleus- nucleus collisions A.Baldin, E.Baldina, V.Pozdnyakov LHE JINR, Dubna JINR-GSI meeting November 20-21, 2003, Dubna
Enhanced low-mass e+e- pair production (CERES, SPS) 450 AGeV p-Be HELIOS/NA AGeV Pb-Au CERES/NA45 40 AGeV Pb-Au CERES/NA45 LHE JINR A.Baldin, E.Baldina, V.Pozdnyakov
Combinatorial background originating from partners of low-mass Dalitz or conversion pairs presents the crucial problem in the high-multiplicity environment of nuclear collisions. [P.Glässel and H.J.Specht, LBL p.106]
Pair finding considerations Due to the fact that the inclusive electron spectrum from 0 Dalitz decays is significantly softer that that of the signal, the signal-to-background ratio can be noticeably improved by the p T cut on single electrons. The cut p T >200MeV/c reduces the signal by a factor of 3 and the background by a factor of 13, thus improving the S/B ratio by a factor of 4 for the mass range 0.2 < m < 0.6 GeV/c 2 (the window above the 0 Dalitz tail and below the mass. LHE JINR A.Baldin, E.Baldina, V.Pozdnyakov Single electrons from MeV/c conversions85 0 Dalitz 85 Dalitz 155
Geometrical low-mass pair rejection Low-mass pairs are efficiently rejected by a cut on the pair opening angle. The steps are the following: 1. All electrons with the angle < 1 to any other electron are discarded. 2. Pairs are discarded in the order of increasing opening angle up to an angle 2. Track efficiency and vertex finding yield additional rejection of conversion e+e- pairs. LHE JINR A.Baldin, E.Baldina, V.Pozdnyakov
Average number of e + e - pairs produced via decay of particles with y min <y<y max and 0<p T <p Tmax WBR=BR·(Nx/N 0 ) ·(dN 0 /dy) ·(y max -y min ) sourceBR Nx/N 0 WBR(SIS-200) 0e+e-0e+e- 1.198· 0e+e-0e+e- 5.0· ’e+e-’e+e- 3.9· e + e - 0 5.9· e + e - 1.3· ·10 -3 ’e+e-’e+e- 2.0· e + e · ·10 -3 e + e · ·10 -3 e + e - 3.1· ·10 -3 DY e + e - 5.0·10 -4 dNx/dy·BR 1.46·10 -4 J/ e + e - 1.8·10 -3 dNx/dy·BR 5.26·10 -4 e +- misint LHE JINR A.Baldin, E.Baldina, V.Pozdnyakov
Pair finding strategy Dielectron pairs with low masses and high p T are discarded Dielectron pairs with low masses and low opening angles are discarded Ordering procedures are useful p T cuts both for pairs and single electrons Account of acceptance, registration efficiency Order of cutting criteria is important LHE JINR A.Baldin, E.Baldina, V.Pozdnyakov
Dielectron pair production : modeling strategy Particle production meets the criteria: mass spectrum ~1/M 2 ; M T scaling ; gaussian dN/dy. Particles are produced in 25 AGeV Au+Au collisions using RQMD. e + e - from 0, , , , , Dalitz decays in accordance with branching ratios. Monte Carlo decay modeling using standard CERNLIB software with preset BR. Other sources of e + e - ( conversion, etc.) Single electrons (3-7 per event) are added with uniform probability over the solid angle and exponential momentum distribution. LHE JINR A.Baldin, E.Baldina, V.Pozdnyakov
The basic modeling parameters: Au+Au 25 AGev Angular acceptance: 3º 27º ; Rapidity range: 0.5 y 2 ; Detection efficiency:100%; Identification efficiency:100%; No multiple scattering. Central events with dn c /dy=300 are considered. LHE JINR A.Baldin, E.Baldina, V.Pozdnyakov
Pair finding criteria All e forming an unlike-sign pair with m≤50MeV/c 2 with any e are discarded; All e forming an unlike-sign pair with m<100MeV/c 2 if p T of both electrons exceeds 70MeV/c are discarded; Unlike-sign pairs are removed in the order of increasing pair mass up to 100MeV/c 2 (ordering); All e forming an unlike-sign pair with m m ee are discarded; All e with p T >200MeV are discarded. LHE JINR A.Baldin, E.Baldina, V.Pozdnyakov
Rough estimate of S/B ratio for an ideal detector CBM LHE JINR A.Baldin, E.Baldina, V.Pozdnyakov
Invariant mass distributions after cuts in , , region for 10 7 central events LHE JINR A.Baldin, E.Baldina, V.Pozdnyakov
Background from conversion dominates After cut on e + e - vertex : SNR 3 in 1 M events study ongoing, tracking needed Feasibility study : e + e -
Conclusion Due procedures have been developed and used for dielectron pair analysis for CBM; The ideal CBM allows for detection of , , and investigation of the low-mass region; Further effort will be put into study of conversion electrons and accurate account of the set up design. LHE JINR A.Baldin, E.Baldina, V.Pozdnyakov