The Bible Stories [Part 1] – 4 of 10
It was time to find a wife for Isaac. But Abraham and his family lived among the Canaanite people. The Canaanites did not believe in God; they worshipped many gods. Abraham did not want Isaac to marry someone who would not help to build a people who worshipped God.
Abraham decide to send his servant back to the land of Abraham's birth, to find a wife for Isaac there. He told the servant that God would show him whom to choose.
So the servant took camels and gifts of gold, and he traveled to the land of Nahor, Abraham's brother.
When he arrived, the servant prayed to God to show him whom to choose for Isaac's wife. He prayed, "Let this girl, when I ask for water from the well, say that she will water the camels also, and then I will know she is the one You have chosen for Isaac's wife."
Soon a very beautiful girl named Rebekah came to the well. When Abraham's servant asked for water, she gave it, and then began to water the camels as well. The servant knew she was the one!
The servant went to Rebekah's family to ask if he could take her to marry Isaac. Rebekah's family was happy to serve God's will.
So Rebekah and her maids mounted the camels and returned to Canaan with the servant.
And when Isaac saw Rebekah he loved her and they were married, according to God's plan.