Middle Colony New Jersey Founded in 1664 Founded by John Berkeley and George Carteret Presented By: Angelica Garduque and Truman Silberg
Climate &Geographical Characteristics The glaciers that had scooped up the soil from New England stopped in the Middle Colonies. It is a very good farming region. It had about half a year for farming time and the other was winter and fall.
Religious Beliefs They had self- government. They offered free land and said that newcomers could worship as they pleased. It attracted many different types of people: Puritans form New England and Quakers from England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.
Government The proprietors also allowed colonists to elect representatives to an assembly. The assembly helped the governor and the council make laws, but it did not have much powers.
Education Many young people who lived in towns and cities became apprentices. As a child, an apprentice often lived in the master’s house. Apprentices usually worked with their masters for four to seven years. Boy apprentices learned skills such as shoemaking, printing, and bookmaking. Girl apprentices learned how to spin thread and weave cloth. Most children learned how to read and write, but many colonists believed that is was most important for children to learn useful work skills.
Houses First, they cleaned small chimneys with brooms. Tall chimneys; you would not believe it! They would drop a chicken or a goose down their chimney and the chicken or goose’s wings would flutter and get rid of the soot in their chimney. Windows on houses were made of glass and glass was expensive so their windows were small. Some colonists used paper soaked in linseed for their windows (linseed is a yellowish oil made from flaxseed). Colonists’ houses had a giant fireplace to heat the rooms. A fire was kept burning in the fireplace though most of the day, and the chimney was quickly clogged with soot.
Agriculture/Manufacturing Colonists in New Jersey did ironworking and lumbering. Farmers used many different grains such as wheat, corn, and barley. They used so much grain for bread that they became known as the breadbasket of the thirteen colonies.
Towns/cities Young people were apprentices who were people who learned from their masters. They lived with their masters for four to seven years. Boy apprentices learned skills such as shoemaking, printing, and, bookmaking. Girls learned skills such as how to spin thread and weave cloth. Most children in the Middle Colonies learned how to write and read, but many colonists believed that it was most important for children to learn useful work skills.
Reason For Settlement The reason they found this is to make money. They decided to divide the fertile land into smaller pieces and sell or rent the pieces to colonists to farm for money.
Other interesting Facts New Jersey was named after the Isle of Jersey in England. It was the second Middle Colony to become a state.
Important people to know John Berkeley, George Carteret, and James: Duke of York