Phylum Mollusks MOLLUSKS Welcome to Brooklyn Tech’s Zooquarium and Odditorium. We present to you... Phylum Mollusks MOLLUSKS Ashley Hanooman Mariya Borogodova Siu Lam Koo Amanda Surujdeo Period 3
What are mollusks? Mollusks are... Invertebrates that include snails, clams, oysters, octopods, slugs and the giant squid Soft bodied animals Most of them include a shell Mollusca means ‘soft’
Characteristics of Mollusks True coelom (fluid filled cavity) Four body parts shell - made of calcium carbonate mantle - thin tissue wrapping body muscular foot - contains mouth and other feeding parts. visceral mass - contains internal organs Bilaterally symmetrical Most have one or two shells Mantle -makes the shell
Class Gastropoda: Periwinkle Snails Scientific Name: Littorina littorea Grows up to 10-12 mm at maturity Native to the northeastern Atlantic Ocean (Spain, Ireland) Average life expectancy: 5-10 years Consume tiny algae growing over rocks Overhunted by humans for their meat and shells (jewelry)
Class Gastropoda: Headshield Sea Slugs Scientific Name: H. Cephalaspidea Head shaped like a shield and fleshy wing-like flaps for locomotion Well developed eyes on anterior of head Live just beneath surface of the sand Sensory cilia around mouth enables them to track prey’s mucous trails
Class Bilvalvia: Bay Scallops Scientific Name: Argopecten irradians Motile: “swims” by opening and closing shell They are filter feeders and others eat plankton They have eyes; however it only detects light and motion Found in all oceans and is a delicacy to all
Class Polyplacophora: Lined Chiton Scientific Name: Tonicella lineata Colorful chiton that grows to 5cm at maturity Found mainly in Pacific Ocean (Alaska, California, near mainland of Japan) in subtidal waters (30m-90m) Contracts into a ball to protect its ventral side Consumes coralline algae
Class Cephalopoda: Octopus Scientific Name: Octopus vulgaris Eight arms with many suction cups Relative short life expectancy: 6 months – 5 years 2/3 of its nerve cords are found in its arms Highly intelligent creatures that have both short and long term memory Self Defense: ink sacs, camouflage, autotomising limbs
Class Cephalopoda:Giant Squid Scientific Name: Architeuthis dux Largest Invertebrate: largest recorded being over 18m (59 feet!) Found in Northern Atlantic and Bering Sea regions Hunted by Sperm whales Found in ocean depths of 200m-1000m
Interesting Facts An Octopus has three hearts and it can squeeze through a hole the size of a 10-cent coin. Each octopus has a total ~240 suction cups underside of each arm Many land snails can lift 10 times their own weight up a vertical surface. Mollusks are the only phylum with its members virtually EVERYWHERE! Intertidal depths as well as land
Interesting Facts Cont’d… The eyes of a giant squid are almost the size of basketballs. They can weigh as much as 1 ton (~2000 lbs!) Female giant squids are bigger than males! Chitons are primarily shallow water organisms, but they have been found in depths greater than 7,000 meters Chitons roll up into balls when threatened
Featured Show: Houdini Octopus Escaping the jaws of death through the size of a dime shaped hole! Show times: 1:00 pm, 2:15 pm, 5:30 pm
Bibliography Bay Scallops Periwinkle Snails Sea Slugs- Headshield Slugs Octopus: Giant Squid: Lined Chitons: Videos: (Octopus Intelligence: Escaping outside a glass box) (Octopus Intelligence: Opening Lid to attain Crabs, Strength, Capabilities) (Giant Squid Interesting Facts)