The Terrific Nile!
Interesting Facts! At 6,700 kilometres from beginning to end the Nile is the world's longest river - longer than the journey from Ireland to America!
The Massive Nile The Nile actually starts as three rivers - the Blue Nile and the White Nile and later joined by the Atbara river. In the picture you can see where the Blue and White Nile join together. The Nile actually starts as three rivers - the Blue Nile and the White Nile and later joined by the Atbara river. In the picture you can see where the Blue and White Nile join together.
How Egyptians Used The Nile
The Aswan Dam! To control the huge flood, the Egyptians built a massive dam at Aswan in the south of the country. Here is a NASA picture of it from space. It took ten years to build. There were three types of flood 1.sometimes the flood was just perfect and the farms got the perfect amount of water 2.sometimes it was massive and it would destroy everything like the farms and crops. 3.sometimes there just wasn’t enough of a flood and the farmers couldn’t get enough water for their animals and crops. The Nile flooded every year!!!!
The Dam – the facts. When it was finally finished in 1971, the Aswan High Dam was a record-breaker. With much of the Nile's water trapped behind it, the dam created the world's biggest rrrr eeee ssss eeee rrrr vvvv oooo iiii rrrr called Lake Nasser. The r r r r r eeee ssss eeee rrrr vvvv oooo iiii rrrr is now 550 kilometres long – about the same as travelling from London to Edinburgh! The Aswan dam is 3,600 metres long and 980 metres wide. The dam is made of 43 million cubic metres of rock-about the same as seven million cars squashed together! 11,000 cubic metres of water pass through special gates in the dam every second!
The Animals Of the Nile!!! The Nile is not just good for the people but is also good for the animals! Well, maybe not the zebras!