SERBD Advisory Council Meeting 20 th February 2008 Synopsis of Public Meetings
Why have the Public Meetings? In June 2007, the South Eastern River Basin District (SERBD) Project launched the booklet ‘Water Matters “Have your say!” The booklet summarises the main issues identified to date, how they are causing water problems, what existing controls are in place to deal with these issues and what additional actions are proposed to deal with these issues. The public were invited to provide their views on the implementation of the WFD in the SERBD by the 22nd of December These views were invited through written submissions via post and/or the project website ( In order to publicise the booklet and the period of consultation, a series of evening meetings were hosted by the SERBD.
Water Matters – Have Your Say! The comments received at the meeting and through the consultation will go towards the development of the South Eastern River Basin Management Plan. The submissions will help to identify – any issues that the booklet missed – comments about the issues in the SE waters (geographical problems) – consensus on the proposed measures for each topic – this will shape how the actions are applied in the SE river basin district SERBD are currently preparing a synopsis of all 26 “Water Matters” Responses Consultation inputs will be incorporated into the draft plan (Dec 08) Further consultations on the draft plan will shape the final plan (Dec 09)
Publicising the meetings The meetings were publicised as follows: The primary method used to publicise the meetings was through the Local Authorities and members of the SERBD Steering Group and Management Group, who were asked to bring the public meetings to the attention of the public. An information leaflet was prepared and placed on the project’s website, and also posted to the Local Authorities, NGO’s and distributed to the public libraries. Radio interviews were given by the Project Co-ordinator to KCLR FM and South East Radio and an advertisement was placed on Tipp FM. Advertisements were placed in Local Papers through the Local Authorities.
Synopsis of Public Meetings Four meetings were held in the SERBD DateVenue 19th NovemberNewpark Hotel, Kilkenny 20th NovemberComfort Inn, Portlaoise 21st NovemberClonmel Park Hotel, Clonmel 22nd NovemberRiverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy
Format of the meetings Welcome and Overview of WFD by Ray Spain. Round Table Discussion of Significant Water Management Issues. Participants were also provided with Water Matters Consultation Forms to be completed either on the night or at their leisure. A presentation was given at the end of the evening by Grace Glasgow on the Way Forward.
Attendance Kilkenny 17 people Portlaoise 7 people Clonmel 19 people Enniscorthy 15 people Meetings ran from 7.00pm to around 9.30pm pm People who attended included IFA representatives, An Taisce representatives, farmers, local environmental, angling and interested groups and members of the public. Local Authority staff and members were also present at the meetings. While the overall attendance might be considered poor it was what was experienced in the other RBDs. The level of interaction and outcome from the meetings was excellent.
General issues raised Waste Water Treatment Plants Unsewered areas Landfills/quarries Agriculture Forestry Dangerous Substances Physical alterations Abstractions Local issues
Local Issues raised Kilkenny Attendance was mixed with different interested groups represented It was noted that planning permission has been granted before the infrastructure is in place Water conservation initiatives and taxes on chemicals that affect septic tank operation were suggested It was noted that as a result of abstractions the level of River Barrow has decreased greatly over the last 20 years The issue of loss of water from leaking pipes was raised The designation of just the Nore main channel as salmonid was queried and it was suggested that many of the major tributaries should also be designated salmonid.
Kilkenny Meeting
Attendance was mixed with different interested groups represented It was noted that planning permission has been granted before the infrastructure is in place Water conservation initiatives and taxes on chemicals that affect septic tank operation were suggested It was noted that as a result of abstractions the level of the River Barrow has decreased over the last 20 years The issue of loss of water from leaking pipes was raised The designation of just the Nore main channel as salmonid was queried and it was suggested that many of the major tributaries should also be designated salmonid.
Local Issues raised Portlaoise Attendance was dominated by IFA representatives Agricultural issues discussed including the implementation of the Nitrates Action Programme The issue of the assimilative capacity of the River Triogue Rainwater harvesting was suggested as a measure The protected areas designation to protect the freshwater pearl mussel at Durrow was queried
Portlaoise Meeting
Attendance was dominated by IFA representatives Agricultural issues discussed including the implementation of the Nitrates Action Programme The issue of the assimilative capacity of the River Triogue Rainwater harvesting was suggested as a measure The protected areas designation to protect the freshwater pearl mussel at Durrow was queried
Local Issues raised Clonmel Attendance was mixed with different interested groups represented The issues of development on floodplains and draining of wetlands were raised It was suggested that there should be a provision for the North and South Tipperary County Councils to come together The issue of toxic discharges from quarries in the area was raised It was noted that growth in populations in towns has put all systems under pressure from water supply to treatment
Local Issues raised Enniscorthy Attendance was mixed with different interested groups represented The issue of abstractions from the River Slaney was raised The issues of poorly performing WWTP and septic tanks was raised It was noted that growth in populations in towns has put all systems under pressure from water supply to treatment Use of incentives for good environmental practice was suggested as a measure
Enniscorthy Meeting
Attendance was mixed with different interested groups represented The issue of abstractions from the River Slaney was raised The issues of poorly performing WWTP and septic tanks was raised It was noted that growth in populations in towns has put all systems under pressure from water supply to treatment Use of incentives for good environmental practice was suggested as a measure
General There is a need for infrastructure before development Linkage between plans – need for “joined-up thinking” There is overall support for the WFD –agreement that process is good Suggested use of alternative technologies – digestors, reed beds, water harvesting Education/awareness programmes/events needed
Resources Resources – human and financial Water conservation measures –Metering, charging –Need for understanding of the “value of water” Apply environmental economics –Incentives for use of sustainable, eco-friendly products e.g. phosphate- free detergents –Tax/levy on non eco-friendly products
Thank you