Agent-Organized Networks for Dynamic Team Formation Multi-Agent Planning and Learning Laboratory (MAPLE) Department of Computer Science and EE University of Maryland Baltimore County Matt Gaston Marie desJardins
Agent-Organized Networks 2 Overview Introduction and Motivation Team Formation Agent-Organized Networks Experimental Results Related Projects: Connections Model AONs AONs for Production and Exchange Stable Team Formation Future Work and Conclusions
Agent-Organized Networks 3 Introduction and Motivation
Agent-Organized Networks 4 Introduction: Multi-Agent Systems Agent: Autonomous, intelligent software system. Physical (robot, autonomous vehicle, mobile sensor) or virtual (search, travel planning, trading / e-commerce, information retrieval) MAS: “Community” of agents – competitive or cooperative Connections form a “social network” of agents
Agent-Organized Networks 5 Why Adapt? Multi-agent systems are growing in popularity and size Technologies like the Semantic Web support the deployment and evolution of large-scale, dynamic multi- agent systems Agent cognitive capacities are limited, preventing all agents from knowing/interacting with all other agents Previous findings suggest that network structure plays an essential role in understanding team formation dynamics in multi-agent systems Identifying the “best” network structure is difficult or impossible to do a priori Solution: Agent-Organized Networks
Agent-Organized Networks 6 Team Formation [AAMAS 2005]
Agent-Organized Networks 7 Multi-Agent Team Formation Model Agents must form teams to complete tasks Agent states: Uncommitted Committed Active Tasks are advertised to the network of agents A valid team: Connected path in network Task skill requirements met Formed within time constraints , 1, 2, 3 2, 2 1, 2, 2, 2, 4 4
Agent-Organized Networks 8 Multi-Agent Team Formation Model Some model details Parameters Number of agents: N Skill diversity: Task introduction interval: Team/task size: T Advertisement duration: Task duration: Network structure Organizational Efficiency # of tasks successfully completed total # of tasks advertised efficiency =
Agent-Organized Networks 9 Team Joining Strategy With some initiation probability, start a new team if needed: Always join a team if it’s already been started, and it needs your skill. Considering each task in random order...
Agent-Organized Networks 10 Agent-Organized Networks
11 Agent-Organized Networks Definition: An agent-organized network (AON) is an organizational network structure, or agent-to-agent interaction topology, that is the result of local rewiring decisions made by the individual agents in a networked multi-agent system. Design considerations: Local perception of global performance Adaptation triggers Rewiring strategies Evaluation metrics: Learning rate Stability Structural properties of resulting networks
Agent-Organized Networks 12 Structure-Based Adaptation Adapt based on preferential attachment Natural network formation process that leads to scale-free networks Adaptation trigger (random): Probability of adaptation for each uncommitted agent: 1/N Rewiring strategy: Disconnect from a random neighbor Connect to some neighbor’s neighbor with probability
Agent-Organized Networks 13 Performance-Based Adaptation Adaptation trigger: Adapt if performance drops below neighbors’ average performance: Rewiring strategy: Drop the lowest-performing neighbor: Add a connection to the highest-performing neighbor a k of the highest-performing neighbor a l:
Agent-Organized Networks 14 Results
Agent-Organized Networks 15 Experimental Setup Initial network structure: Random geometric graph Randomly place agents in a unit square Connect agents that are closer than d units apart Use the minimal d that guarantees all neighbors have at least one edge Run team formation with no adaptation to establish baseline Run with each adaptation strategy separately Results are an average of 50 runs
Agent-Organized Networks 16 Results: Summary Significant performance improvement (over baseline) for both AON methods
Agent-Organized Networks 17 Stability of Networks Structure-based AONs outperform performance-based AONs, but result in substantially more rewirings Performance-based AONs are more efficient (“better value” if adaptation cost is in similar units to performance measure)
Agent-Organized Networks 18 Evolution of the Network: Structure-Based Converges to a network with hub structure and short average path length
Agent-Organized Networks 19 Evolution of the Network: Performance-Based Convergence to short-average-path-length structure happens more slowly Qualitatively similar structure to strategy-based (but in this case not by design!)
Agent-Organized Networks 20 Connections Model AONs [AAAI 2005 Workshop on Multi-Agent Learning]
Agent-Organized Networks 21 The (Symmetric) Connections Model Symmetric when ij = and c ij = c for all i and j 0 < < 1 is the value of a relationship, discounted by distance c is the cost of a direct connection (Jackson & Wolinsky 1996; Jackson 2002)
Agent-Organized Networks 22 Dynamic Network Formation in SCM Based on pairwise stability (Watts 2001): At each iteration: Two agents meet (are selected) at random (synchronous) If they have a connection, they remove the connection if at least one of them benefits -- unilateral deletion If the do not have a connection, they add a connection if it is mutually beneficial -- bilateral creation But...
Agent-Organized Networks 23 Experiment: Watts Dynamic Network Formation = 0.9, c = 0.8, optimal =
Agent-Organized Networks 24 A (Simple) Multi-Agent Learning Approach Goals: Eliminate need for “global” knowledge Eliminate need for “global” computation Maintain bilateral network formation (agents agree to create link) Follow dynamic network formation process of Watts On-line learning Approach Stateless Q-Learning (Claus & Boutilier 1998) A = { add, delete, nothing } Agents add connection if both have largest Q value for add (bilateral) Agents remove connection if one has largest Q value for delete (unilateral) Reinforcement signal comes from omniscient oracle (!) Agent-Organized Networks (AONs)“Distributed Annealing”
Agent-Organized Networks 25 Experiment: Learning to Form Networks Adaptive Learning Rate: Win or Lose Fast (WoLF) (Bowling & Veloso 2002) = 0.9, c = 0.8, optimal =
Agent-Organized Networks 26 Experiment: Adding an Unselfish Agent = 0.9, c = 0.8, optimal =
Agent-Organized Networks 27 AONs for Production and Exchange [AAAI 2005]
Agent-Organized Networks 28 A Model of Production and Exchange n agents in an artificial economy with two goods Each agent i possesses g 1 i units of good 1 and g 2 i units of good 2 Each agent is a producer of either good 1 or good 2 At each iteration of the model, the agents are selected in random order and choose between initiating trade with another agent or producing their respective good in order to maximize utility Agent utility: (Wilhite 2001: 2003) fully rational behavior
Agent-Organized Networks 29 Push Referral AON Strategies Random referral: agent selected randomly from N j (i) Degree referral: Production referral: Definition: Assuming that agent i is adapting its connection to agent j, a push referral is a local rewiring by i from j to an agent in N j (i)
Agent-Organized Networks 30 Results production referral degree referral random selection n = 400, q = 30, = 0.05 = = 0.1 = = 0.1 initialized values to 1
Agent-Organized Networks 31 Stable Team Formation [AAAI 2004 Workshop on Team/Coalition Formation]
Agent-Organized Networks 32 Economic Model of Team Formation Share-based scheme for pay-off distribution Team’s revenue is stored in “team account” Team members get shares for joining and working Share value = team account / # outstanding shares Agents bound to the team by a contract Joining Shares, S join : sign-on bonus Commission, S comm : shares given to the agent for every task completed by the team in which the agent actively participates Dividend, S div : shares given to the agent for every task completed by the team in which the agent does not participate (Dividend < Commission) Penalty, p : the amount to be paid to the team when leaving the team
Agent-Organized Networks 33 Results: Effect of Deadlines
Agent-Organized Networks 34 Results: Stable vs. Dynamic Agents
Agent-Organized Networks 35 Conclusions and Future Work Summary: AONs based only on local knowledge can improve team formation in networked MAS AON ideas can also be applied to other MAS domains and models Stability can be achieved through a contractual model of team formation Future Work: Quantitative analysis of post-adaptation network structures Learning individual agent team selection strategies [JAAMAS 2006] Skill placement and replacement for dynamic team formation
Agent-Organized Networks 36