OGS G OOD M ORNING, OGS!!! -07’ M ARKETING F INAL R EPORT Bryant Liu Connie Liu Jackent Liu Carrel Su Ruby Wang Danniel Raw Arthur Chu
AGENDA OGS Gathering Information Market Analysis Brand Strategy Competitive Analysis Marketing Strategy Channels Mass Communications 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
GATHERING INFORMATION 3 Main Groups will buy breakfast-Age20~29 、 Age30~39 and the rest 3 Types of Breakfast Stores - Western Traditional-Yungho soybean Mixing-Convenience Stores 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
GATHERING INFORMATION Business : 40~80 Billion NTD Target Revenue : 7~10 Million NTD Big Business for Breakfast!! 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
ORGANIC FOOD VALUE PROPOSITION Tasting great, providing better nutrition, reducing healthy risks and protecting water resources. 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
SATISFACTION & CUSTOMER LOYALTY Performing “ Satisfaction Survey ”(quarterly/annually) and building up ” Customer Complaint handling ” mechanism. 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
HSINCHU CONSUMER POPULATION DISTRIBUTION Total 394,757 people in Hsinchu City at the end of Y: 'Marketing Final Report-OGS
TARGET GROUPS 3 Major Sub-Markets: Hsinchu Science Park Employees Elementary School Students Hospital Patients 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
TARGET GROUPS There’re around 100,000 employees in Hsinchu Science Park. 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
TARGET GROUPS 31 Elementary Schools with 35,282 students Y: 'Marketing Final Report-OGS
TARGET GROUPS 8 Hospitals 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
BREAKFAST TYPE DISTRIBUTION AND MARKET SEGMENTS Organic Breakfast 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS Enlarged the breakfast market, not from the squeeze of the other types
BRANDINGOGS Meaning of the name: OrGanic & Sun Meaning of the color: White Pure & No Pollution Blue Fresh & Nature Yellow Energy & Healthy 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
B RANDING Core Value: Healthy & Delicious Slogan Low OIL, Low SALT, and More HEALTHY. 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
B RANDING 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS Organic food providers surround Science Park and school Competitors provide too many items of foods Competitors do not focus on fast- food only 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
OGS SETTING PRODUCT STRATEGY Fast/high-quality/reasonable/healthy Membership card Material process/ Digital E-frame to display our providers 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
D ESIGNING AND M ANAGING S ERVICES Nutrition meal plan Sweet Memo card Weekly/Monthly Menu Drive-through service 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
DEVELOPING PRICING STRATEGIES AND PROGRAMS Set Menu Menu Special Menu Certain patients nutritional plan with hospital diagnosis Wholesale channel to hospital / Big community/ internet on-line sale 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
M ENU 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
C HANNEL Substantiation Channel Shop Virtual Channel Internet 、 Direct Delivery 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
S UBSTANTIATION C HANNEL Simple Shop -- Focus on Direct Delivery, not shop sell. Only a few tables – Save time from service to delivery. Fast Food-- Bundled food 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
V IRTUAL C HANNEL Direct Delivery to Hospital 、 School 、 Company Fresh Material from Organic Farm Orders from Internet 、 Fax 、 Telephone 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
Mass Communications Objectives: 1.Give potential customers a deep impression about our products 2.Get a good “ grade ” for the survey to prove the confidence Methods & Associated Budget: 1. Advertisement 2. Sales Promotions 3. Events 4. Public Survey 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
Method 1 - Advertisement 1.Post on the “ Science-based Industrial Park Life ” related websites for a month (Keywords, Ads … etc) 2.Prepare circulars to be sent along with news papers. 3.Sending coupons along with the above medias. 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
Method 1 – Advertisement – Associated Budgets 1.Post on the “ Science-based Industrial Park Life ” related websites for a month (Keywords, Ads … etc) 10,000 NTD (Approx., with buffer) 2. Prepare circulars to be sent along with news papers. 10,000 NTD (Approx., with buffer) 3. Sending coupons along with the above 2 medias. 5,000 NTD (Approx., with buffer) 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
Method 2 – Sales Promotion Set up booths in some companies for sampling promotion for 2 weeks duration. 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
Method 3 – Events Using schools & companies ’ parties / occasions to send free products as a sponsor. 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
Method 3 – Events – Associated Budgets Using schools & companies ’ parties / occasions to send free products as a sponsor. 20,000 NTD (Approx., with buffer) 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
Method 4 – Public Survey Prepare a format Survey ( on line or on streets ) to know the response of customers 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
Method 4 – Public Survey– Associated Budgets Prepare a format Survey ( on line or on streets ) to know the response of customers 5,000 NTD (Approx., with buffer) 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
The 1st new product is organic fruit salad. The 2nd new product is organic fruit cocktail. The 3rd new product is organic fruitcake. NEW MARKET OFFERINGS 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS
SPECIAL THANKS TO SPECIAL THANKS TO Consultant: Dr. Charles Trappey 07'Marketing Final Report-OGS