Longleaf Partnership Council Meeting Tuesday, October 22, 2013 Longleaf Stewardship Fund
A public/private partnership between… Southern Company US Department of Defense Natural Resources Conservation Service USDA Forest Service US Fish and Wildlife Service National Fish and Wildlife Foundation That will… Accelerate restoration and enhancement of longleaf pine ecosystem Support the recovery of iconic and keystone species Implement the Range-wide Conservation Plan for Longleaf Support commitments of MOU adopted by DOD, USDA and DOI L ONGLEAF S TEWARDSHIP F UND O VERVIEW
1.Establishing Longleaf Pine 2.Enhancing and Maintaining Existing Longleaf Pine 3.Expanding and Coordinating Technical Assistance and Outreach 4.Accelerating Species Recovery 5.Building and Improving Organizational Capacity L ONGLEAF S TEWARDSHIP F UND F UNDING P RIORITIES
1. Range-Wide Strategic Restoration Grants ranging from $50,000 to $150,000 On-the-ground restoration projects across historical longleaf range 2. Place-based Demonstration Projects Grants ranging from $150,000 to $350,000 Advance restoration within SGAs or “significant sites” Anchored by Military Installations/Bases, National Forests, FWS Refuges, and state or other protected lands One proposal per SGA is recommended L ONGLEAF S TEWARDSHIP F UND P ROJECT C ATEGORIES
Historical Longleaf Range Applicants must be one of the following: Non-profit 501(c) State, tribal and local governments Academic institutions Match requirement: At least 1:1 match ratio of non-federal cash or in-kind services Lands eligible for funding include: Privately-owned lands State and local government lands Federal lands (through state or NGO partners; limited funding availability ) L ONGLEAF S TEWARDSHIP F UND E LIGIBILITY
In the second year… 15 projects in 7 states awarded over $3.1 million $4.9 million in additional funds leveraged 11 Significant Geographic Areas (SGAs) or Sites In total, these projects will… Restore more than 13,500 acres Enhance more than 140,000 additional acres Educate more than 1,100 private landowners on longleaf and resources Engage 200 private landowners in stewardship programs L ONGLEAF S TEWARDSHIP F UND 2013 G RANT A WARDS
In its first two years … 31 projects in 8 states awarded over $6 million Over $8 million in additional funds leveraged 16 SGAs or Sites In total, these projects will… Restore more than 24,000 acres Enhance more than 265,000 additional acres Educate more than 2,700 private landowners on longleaf and resources Engage 430 private landowners in stewardship programs L ONGLEAF S TEWARDSHIP F UND 2012 & 2013 G RANTS - T OTAL
2012 Projects submitted first annual progress report by Sept. 30 th Progress to date (11 projects reporting): 2,622 acres planted to date (247 public; 1,175 private) 67,981 acres of prescribed burns (55,147 public; 12,834 private) 868 private landowners contacted through tech. assistance and outreach 146 private landowners committed to enroll in stewardship programs New report template; information included in ALRI Annual Accomplishment Report L ONGLEAF S TEWARDSHIP F UND A NNUAL P ROGRESS R EPORT
Pineywoods Longleaf Restoration (LA) 51 landowners contacted through technical assistance and outreach 19 landowners enrolled in or committed to enroll in farm bill conservation programs benefitting longleaf pine “Restoring and Managing Longleaf Pine on Private Lands” field day and workshop, Kisatchie National Forest, May 23, 2013 L ONGLEAF S TEWARDSHIP F UND A NNUAL R EPORT H IGHLIGHTS
Ft. Stewart/Altamaha Longleaf Pine Restoration (GA) 825 acres treated on public and private land 425 burned on Flat Tub WMA, Jeff Davis County, GA, 6/1/13, flames still active 2 days after fire (photo) L ONGLEAF S TEWARDSHIP F UND A NNUAL R EPORT H IGHLIGHTS
L ONGLEAF S TEWARDSHIP F UND S CHEDULE 2013 September 4 th : 2013 Grant Announcement –Columbus, GA September 30 th : Annual progress reports due Mid- December: LSF RFP Released and Applicant Webinar 2014 Mid-February : LSF Full proposals due Week of April 7 th : Southern Co. & NFWF Partners /LPC Meetings in MS July: Award announcements & 2o14 LSF Press Event