Good Morning
Bacira Akther Khatun Lecturer Department of Chemistry Comilla Cadet College Presented By
Class : XI From : A Duration of the period : 40 Minutes Date :
Metal Alloy Metal Duralumin Al – 95% Cu -4% Mg- 0.5% Mn- 0.4%
Intro Today’s topic Hybridization - SP 3
By the end of this class they will be able to 1.say what is Hybridization 2.say Characteristics of Hybridization 3. explain formation of SP 3 Hybridization 4. analyze shape and bond angles of molecule having SP 3 hybrid
Atomic Orbitals Valence bond theory Number of unpaired electron indicates valency H Cl O 1S s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p s 2 2s 2 2p Be B C 1s 2 2s s 2 2s 2 px s 2 2s 2 2px 1 2py CH 4
Be B C 1s 2 2s 1 2p x s 2 2s 2 2p x 1 2p y - 3 1s 2 2s 1 2p x 1 2p y 1 2p z Excited state In CH 4 C -H → 415 kj/mol H- C – H ` Hybridization Theory
Two or more 0rbital nearly same Pauling lius, USA
Carbon atom in its ground state Excited state Sp 3 state
Sp 2S 2p 2S 1S 2S 2p Carbon atom in its ground state Excited state Sp 3 state
Hybrid Atomic Orbitals
Hybridization Hybridization is a process (not phenomenon) of mixing up of two or more atomic orbitals to form equal number of orbitals of equal strength. The orbitals which are formed are known as hybrid orbitals The energy of each hybrid orbital is lower than the participating atomic orbitals. a process atomic orbitals mixing up equal number equal strength
Every body will do this work --- within -- 5 min Write down the center atom hybridization of the following compound and ion CH 4 CCl 4 SiH 4 NH 3 BH 3 -
The number of hybridized orbitals is equal to the number of orbitals being hybridized. The hybrid orbitals are identical in shape and have equivalent energy. The hybrid orbitals are more effective in forming stable bonds than the pure ones. The type of hybridization indicates the geometry of the molecules Characteristics of hybridization:
Type of Hybridization
Group Work - Dear cadets, divide into five groups Draw the bond angel and name of the shape of the following molecules : within 5min Group - 1 → CH 4 Group - 2 → SiF 4 Group - 3 → NH 4 + Group - 4 → H 2 O Group - 5 → F 2 O Tetrahedral, (1,2,3)
Molecular shape and orbital hybridization Video ShapeShape 1 Shape-2 Shape-3 Shape-Shape- 4 ShapeShape 5
V – shape,
lp - lp > lp - bp > bp – bp
Prep task Observe the following chart and answer the question Analyze the following compounds shape with the figure of Hybridization (1) TA 4 - (2) RA 4 (3) qA 4 + (4)A 2 Z (5) RY 4 (6) SY 4 (7) A 2 P (8) SX 4 (9) X 2 Z (10) pY 2 Every body will finished the prep task by next Monday And submitted it
Next day topic SP 2 & SP
Thanks to all