The ESDP institutional framework
The Helsinki institutional structure- the HR for CFSP/ Secretary General of the Council The High Representative for CFSP (the Treaty of Amsterdam, 1997): role, staff and budget The HR/SG personal cabinet The Policy Planning and Early Warning Unit/ Policy Unit- 20 advisers drawn from the MSs, the Commission, the Council Secretariat, one military officer with WEU/NATO expertise; analysis and policy advise The European Commissioner for External Relations- unspecified relationship with the HR
The Helsinki institutional structure- the Political and Security Committee /COPS/ Institutionalised under the amended Article 25 of the Treaty of Nice (2001) Composition: national representative at senior/ ambassadorial level; meets twice a week in Brussels Functions: -Monitors and analyses the international situation in the areas covered by the CFSP -Forward planning and policy formulation -Gives policy advice to the Council -Monitors the implementation of the agreed policies -In the event of Union’s crisis management operation exercises political control and strategic direction -Plays major role in consulting with NATO and third countries involved in EU operations
The Helsinki institutional structure- the Military Committee of the European Union /EUMC/ Composition: the Chiefs of Defence of the MSs; meets at least biannually; permanently represented by military delegates who normally are double- hatted with each nation’s NATO’s representative; the EUMC Chairman is a four-star officer on appointment Function: -To give military advice and to make recommendations though COPS to the Council -To provide military direction to the EUMS -The Chairman attends the Council meetings when decisions with military implications are to be taken -For the duration of a military crisis management mission monitors the military operations and its members sit or are represented in the Committee of the Contributors -The Chairman participates as appropriate in COPS and in NATO’s Military Committee meetings; has close working relationship with the HR-CFSP
The Helsinki institutional structure- the Military Staff of the European Union /EUMS/ Composition- a body attached to the HR-CFSP; consists of personnel, seconded from the MSs; headed by a three-star flag officer Function: -Early warning -Situation analysis -Military aspects of strategic planning in a crisis management situation, including identification of European and multinational forces -Acts as strategic operational HQ; offers effective military support during the strategic planning phase of ‘Petersberg’ crisis management operations
The Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC) Composition: the CPCC is a part of the Council Secretariat; permanent structure under the political control and strategic direction of the Political and Security Committee and the overall authority of the High Representative Function: - responsible for an autonomous operational conduct of civilian ESDP operations -ensures the effective planning and conduct of civilian ESDP crisis management operations -the proper implementation of all mission-related tasks.
Decision-making procedure Political responsibility lies with the European Council The EUMC, on the request of COPS evaluates the strategic options and issues Initiating Directive to the Director General of EUMS to draw up military options EUMC evaluated the military options and together with military advice forwards to COPS strategic military options for the conduct of crisis management operation The Council selects a military option and authorises an Initial Planning Directive for Operation Commander The Operation Commander develops a Concept of Operations (CONOPS) and draws up a draft Operation Plan (OPLAN) and operational planning documents, technical documents (Communication and Information Systems, Status of Forces Agreement, Rules of Engagement, etc.) Operational planning and command: military strategic operational HQs, theatre and component HQs
Procedures for selection of operational HQs The Berlin Plus procedure- with recourse to NATO assets and capabilities -SHAPE strategic operational HQs -DSACEUR- operational commander -CJTF- theatre and component HQs The Nation Framework Concept- a MS is designated a framework nation -National operational HQ facilities, multinationalisation -Theatre and components HQs on an ad hoc basis
Institutional structures- problems and implications Cells and units- duplication of work and overlapping functions -PPEWU (Policy Unit) and the EUMS -The WEU/ EU Institute for Security Studies Political and policy Committees -PoCo- MFA’s Political Directors and COREPER -The GAC- CFSP and CESDP agenda -COPS and COREPER Modes of policy-making: intergovernmental design and process and ‘supranational intergovernmentalism’ -Initiative (national capitals) and coordination (COREPER and Council Secretariat) -Brussels- based intergovernmental mechanism- four clusters of permanent national representatives (COREPER, COPS, Policy Unit, EUMS)