Roman Historiography Republican SEMINAR IIII: Sallust BC Party Politics ch3
Sallvst BC What is is his point? What are the buzz words?
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Challenges Annual elections Different days Special offices Voters live far away Polls in Rome
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Role of City Plebs & Italians –group voting system tribus –35 tribes 4 urban 31 rural »property owners –No new tribes added after 241 –latifundia displacement –Social War »Free birth rural tribesman »Divisions of original tribes scattered
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Role of City Plebs & Italians –populares v. optimates tribal assignments censorship eligible Italians citizenship for Transpadanes –tribuni aerarii
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Role of City Plebs & Italians –Roman Electorate registration –urban tribes –rural tribes »impoverished rural tribesmen »propertied men- senators, equites, tribuni aerarii –tribal transfers »prosecutorial rewards »enlistment bonus »censorial revisions/punishments
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Role of City Plebs & Italians –freedmen –foreigners
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Role of City Plebs & Italians –middle class
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Role of City Plebs & Italians –comitia tributa –chose lower magistrates –chief legislative body –each tribe voted as a unit
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Role of City Plebs & Italians –comitia centuriata old military organization –met in Campus Martius elected consuls & praetors –Imperium tribal vote taken separately in 5 classes arranged in 193 centuries –according to property qualifications
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Role of City Plebs & Italians –comitia centuriata cont. Property Qualifications –Class 1: ƒ 50,000 or more »70 centuries »2 from each tribe »voted first »results announced before next class voted
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Role of City Plebs & Italians –comitia centuriata cont. praerogativa
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Role of City Plebs & Italians –cuncta Italia Via Appia Alban Hills to Campania –12 tribes Umbria –9 tribes Cisalpine Gaul –14 tribes –Caesar & his winter breaks municipia
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Role of City Plebs & Italians –Elections In July after Ludi Apollinares comitia centuriata –consular/praetorian elections comitia tributa –curule aediles, quaestors, military tribunes comitia plebis –plebian aediles, tribunes
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p.5o-62 Role of City Plebs & Italians –Legislation comitia centuriata –consuls, praetors –censorial laws comitia tributa –tribunes, consuls, praetors –primary body periods
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p Campaign for Election and Legislation –office determined campaign strategy –tribules –vicinitas –curatores –divisores –tribuni aerarii –conficere tribus
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p Campaign for Election and Legislation –commendation –coitiones sectatores –custodes –diribitores –rogatores
Party Politics Delivering the Vote p Campaign for Election and Legislation –comitia –rostra –tribunes –consuls –violence