Fusion Fire Powers the Sun Can we make Fusion Fire on earth? National FIRE Collaboration AES, ANL, Boeing, Columbia U., CTD, GA, GIT, LLNL, INEEL, MIT, ORNL, PPPL, SNL, SRS, UCLA, UCSD, UIIC, UWisc
I want you to develop fusion fire for the world.
Two Furnaces for Testing a Fusion Fire ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) (see display in Lobby) Six party international partnership (JA,EU,RF,US,CN,ROK) To be built in Japan or France (Cost > $5B) Under negotiation ( decision expected by July 2004) FIRE (Fusion Ignition Research Experiment) Lowest cost approach for studying science of fusion fire International Collaboration lead by the US To be built in the US (Cost ~ $1B) Under design as back up, put forward if no ITER decision ITER and FIRE are each attractive options for the study of burning plasma science. Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee 2003
FIRE Would Test Confinement Similar to Power Plant Tokamaks have established a solid basis for scaling confine- ment of the diverted H-Mode. B E is the dimensionless metric for confinement time projection n E T is the dimensional metric for fusion - n E T = B 2 E = B. B E FIRE only needs to increase confinement B E by 2.5 !!! ARIES-RS Power Plants require B E slightly larger than FIRE due high and B. Power Plant (Q = 25)
Characteristics of the FIRE Furnace 40% scale model of ARIES-RS plasma Strong shaping x = 2, x = 0.7, DN All metal plasma facing components Actively cooled tungsten divertor Be tile FW, cooled between shots T required/pulse ~ TFTR ≤ 0.3g-T LN cooled BeCu/OFHC toroidal B coil no inboard nt shield, allows small size 3,000 full field 30,000 2/3 field 1 MW Site needs comparable to previous DT tokamaks (TFTR/JET).
FIRE Parameters Major Radius = 2.14 m, Minor Radius = m Plasma volume = 27 m 3 Magnetic Field = T, Plasma Current = MA Fusion Power = MW, MWm -3 Fusion Plasma Power Gain, Q = 10 Duration = s (sufficient to study fusion fire science) Cost = $350 M (tokamak core) + $850M (aux & support)
Computer Simulation of Fusion Fire is Needed Fusion fires are complex, non-linear and strongly-coupled systems. highly self driven (83% self-heated, 90% self-driven current) plasmas are needed for economic power plant scenarios. Does a fusion fire naturally evolve to a self-driven state? A capability to simulation fusion fire would be of great benefit to: Understand fusion fire phenomena based on existing exp’ts Refine the physics and engineering design for fusion fire exp’ts Provide real time control algorithm for self-driven fusion fire, and to optimize experimental operation Analyze the fusion fire experimental results and transfer knowledge.
Concluding Remarks Magnetic Fusion has made steady progress during the past decades and has achieved: fusion fuel temperatures of 500 million degrees C (TFTR) fusion power production of 10 million watts (TFTR) fuel density x confinement ≈ 50% of fusion fire (TFTR) first fusion fuel heating by fusion fire (TFTR) More important than ever to find out if fusion can be an energy source for the world. Magnetic Fusion is now poised to take the crucial step of: building and testing a fusion fire in the Laboratory two attractive options (ITER and FIRE) are available decisions are expected within months Thanks for your interest. More info at