Leadership Programme for Clerks Presented by David Carden & Chris Watt Helping You To Be A Better Clerk D C C W
Introductions The Team David Carden, Town Clerk, Burgess Hill Chris Watt, Crawford Watt, LSE Catherine Tobin, Parish Clerk, Southwater Ashley Serpis, Town Clerk, Uckfield 2 D C C W
Welcome to the Graveyard Slot 3
Background Why create a Leadership course for colleagues? 4
Personal Experience Appointed 1993 No Annual Review Process Plenty of Technical Training Need to develop the ‘softer management skills’, change management, etc West Sussex County Council Advanced Management Development Programme. 5
15 Years Later I still use my Personal Development Plan and update annually Long Term objective achieved Retirement – June
Why Leadership? The Role of the Clerk and Local Councils is Changing Where will we be in 2015 and beyond? New Councils, new challenges, new partnerships Need to be more strategic and develop new relationships Develop essential “soft skills” for working with staff, councillors and the community 7
Pilot Programme in Sussex Despite various conversations by colleagues with NALC/SLCC – nothing forthcoming. In conversation with SALC County Secretary we were asked to create a pilot programme for Sussex Town and Parish Clerks. Feedback from 2012 intake shortly. 8
South East Region County Association Forum Hertfordshire Association of Town and Parish Clerks – Taster Course 2013 Full Leadership Programme 2013/14 Recommendation from delegate for us to present at SLCC Larger Councils Conference. 9
The Programme A predominantly self managed programme with support modules. This programme assists delegates to develop their Emotional Intelligence as leaders by putting together a Personal Development Plan. 10
Emotional Intelligence 11
Key Areas Personal Development Plan Learning Sets Individual 360 and feedback Support workshop modules Other material when required 12
Developing a PDP Develop a PDP using the 5 questions –Where have I been? –Where am I now? –Where do I want to be? –How will I get there? –How will I know when I have got there? 13
What is an Action Learning Set? A forum to work on work-based issues, problems & questions Time out to question & reflect on our actions, behaviours and beliefs A means to develop a PDP 14
Action Learning Set Process 4-5 members in a ‘Set’, around 3-4 hours, monthly basis Set members have an opportunity to work on areas The set focuses on that one person and works by asking good, helpful questions The Set members do not give advice Process time when the set reflects on what has just happened and how the set worked together 15
Workshops Areas covered in workshops include: –Leadership theory and practice –Managing yourself effectively –Influencing others –Understanding change 16
Why will it be useful to you? To discuss & address problems hard to tackle at the office To increase leadership effectiveness To develop skills & confidence in dealing with staff, peers, councillors and the community To create an opportunity to become aware of what you do, how you think and what you believe 17
How Was it For You? Personal Reflections Cathy Tobin, Parish Clerk, Southwater Ashley Serpis, Town Clerk, Uckfield Both attended the pilot course in Sussex 18
How Was It For You - Cathy? 19 Cathy Tobin – Parish Clerk of Southwater Parish Council: “Challenging, thought provoking, enlightening and enabling”
How Was It For You - Ashley? 20 Ashley Serpis -Town Clerk of Uckfield Town Council: “take it seriously, listen to what is being said and apply the principles honestly - your focus will improve and your direction will become clear. I wish that this had been available to me 20 years ago - some of the most positive and beneficial training I have received”.
How Do I Find Out More? Contact Details Chris WattLouise Gale David Carden Happy to Have Individual Conversations