Conflict with Britain: 1807-1814 Jefferson’s Embargo James Madison & the War Hawks War of 1812.


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Presentation transcript:

Conflict with Britain: Jefferson’s Embargo James Madison & the War Hawks War of 1812

Napoleonic Wars American neutrality: US shipped to American neutrality: US shipped to –Both France and England Orders of Council:1806 England made all Orders of Council:1806 England made all –neutral ships stop in their ports. Blockade. Continental system: France blocked all Continental system: France blocked all –English goods from coming into Europe. Impressment: press gangs Impressment: press gangs The Embargo Act of 1807: no trade with The Embargo Act of 1807: no trade with –Britain or France. Exports drop 80%. –Big Recession, especially in New England.


James Madison: Jefferson returns to Monticello, unpopular Madison presidency Non Intercourse Act: opened trade w/ –A–A–A–All but France or England. Tecumseh unites Indians: Battle of Tippecanoe US Declares war on Britain War Hawks: Clay, Calhoun, England still –I–I–I–Impressing, still Orders in Council, aiding Indians, wanted Canada (to hurt England). Opponents of War: Adams, we have no army, –L–L–L–Let’s wait for war to end.


Battle of Tippecanoe

War of 1812 Attack on Canada: many US defeats Attack on Canada: many US defeats Naval victories: “Old Ironsides” Naval victories: “Old Ironsides” England beats Napoleon, turns to US. England beats Napoleon, turns to US. Washington Burns, people rally Washington Burns, people rally General Harrison wins Battle of Thames General Harrison wins Battle of Thames Captain Perry wins Battle on Lake Erie Captain Perry wins Battle on Lake Erie Fort McHenry: Francis Scott Key Fort McHenry: Francis Scott Key

Captain Perry on Lake Erie

End of War Battle at Plattsburg: England wants peace Battle at Plattsburg: England wants peace Treaty of Ghent: Dec 24, 1814 Treaty of Ghent: Dec 24, 1814 –Napoleon defeated, why are we fighting? Hartford Convention: NE Federalists revolt: Hartford Convention: NE Federalists revolt: –Nullification, end 3/5, 2/3 for war, 1 term for pres. Battle of New Orleans Battle of New Orleans Andrew Jackson: new hero Andrew Jackson: new hero Result of War: end of Federalists, nationalism, Result of War: end of Federalists, nationalism, –New heroes Jackson & Harrison, BUS renewed, –Last war with Britain, focus on westward expansion

Andrew Jackson

Young Jackson

Battle of New Orleans