PowerRelationships PeaceFun
Reds seek power Reds want to be productive Reds want to look good to others Reds enjoy a good debate Reds seek leadership opportunities Blues are motivated by altruism Blues enjoy intimacy Blues need to be appreciated Blues are directed by a strong moral conscience. Whites are motivated by peace Whites need kindness Whites enjoy clarity and a low profile Whites are independent Whites are agreeable Yellows value play Yellows welcome praise Yellows need intimacy Yellows want to be popular Yellows crave action
To look good (academically) To be right To be respected Approval To be good (morally) To be understood To be appreciated Acceptance To feel good (inside) To move at one’s own pace To be respected Acceptance To look good (socially) To be liked To be noticed Approval
To hide insecurities (tightly) To please self Leadership Challenging Adventure To reveal insecurities To please others Autonomy Security To hide insecurities To please self/others Independence Contentment To hide insecurities (loosely) To please others/self Freedom Playful Adventure
Complementary Opposites RED/WHITE BLUE/YELLOW
Complementary Similarities BLUE/WHITE RED/YELLOW
Uncomplementary Opposities Red/Blue Yellow/White
Core Motives Extrovert/Introvert Random/Sequential Abstract/Concrete Birth Order Intellectual Intelligence/Emotional Intelligence Male/Female
General Breakdown Blue - 35% Red - 25% White - 20% Yellow - 20%