Why Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (and other diagnoses) need Emotional Intelligence Training Presentation by Erika Lee Peterson for Staff Members and Executives of
CLE was founded in 1989 with one location in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. to serve students with autism spectrum disorders. CLE provides assistance to students with Autism, Asperger’s, Learning Disabilities, Developmental Delays and a host of other special needs C onnection to Autism Spectrum Disorders
Our staff works closely with students to provide; Structured tutoring (to develop academic skills) Group outings (to facilitate the development of social skills) Instruction in independent living, (such as grocery shopping, cooking and paying bills.) Students live in apartments near the CLE offices … A ccording to the CLE website…
S ome symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) These examples are mostly referring to children, Most of the students at CLE are higher functioning
W hat is Emotional Intelligence? People with Autism Spectrum disorders struggle with these skills far more then the average person. Emotional and social skill deficits play a major role in the disorder
Quotes from Temple Grandin- “I had to think about every social interaction... a scientist trying to figure out the ways of the natives” “my emotions are simpler than those of most people... I don’t know what complex emotion in a human relationship is” P eople with ASD struggle to understand emotions
I ntriguingly, reports of their laborious, computational approaches to social– emotional tasks and interactions suggest that in lieu of the intuitive processes guiding typically developing individuals, persons with autism recruit their cognitive resources to develop compensatory techniques for contending with emotional stimuli (Frith, Morton, & Leslie, 1991; Grandin, 1995; Hermelin & O’Connor, 1985; Leslie & Roth, 1993).
From the Big Bang theory E xample of how complicated thinking about social interactions can be…
Many of the students with social skills disorders are not aware of the negative impressions they make on others. Putting students in a social group without social skills training is a recipe for exclusion, isolation, and bullying Elements of this type of programing are already in place, but they lack the organization and structure a standardized curriculum would bring. G roup social activities are not enough G roup social activities are not enough!
Because CLE puts students in a group setting on a regular basis, it would make an ideal setting for group training on emotional intelligence. A large percentage of CLE students suffer from social skill difficulties. A sizable amount of students have an Autism spectrum disorder diagnosis or a nonverbal learning disorder. W hy have classes here?
This type of programing could be easily implemented and fit well with programing already in place. It would enhance Cle’s reputation and be fairly cost effective It would help prevent problems that have occurred in CLE in the past. A Better Program
Besides designing and structuring a set of lesson plans with specific goals and outcomes listed in Emotional Intelligence literature… Posters with important teachings and reminders could be hung on the walls of the CLE office. Any of the mind map poster would be great references. I mplementing an EI curriculum
E motional Intelligence Training Classes + CLE + Autism Spectrum Disorders =
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