Welcome Mrs. Hevia & Ms. Leoncio 8/26/14
2 nd Grade Bilingual We are looking forward to an exciting and productive year. We are thrilled to have your child in our classrooms this year.
Classroom Rules 1.Use good manners 2. Raise your hand to speak 3. Finish work on time 4. Work quietly 5. Stay in your seat 6. Follow all directions
Daily Home Learning Home learning reinforces what is done in class. Home learning will be assigned daily and will be checked for completion everyday as well. Students will be responsible for copying their daily home learning assignments inside their Mater Gardens Agenda. Parents should supervise and help students complete homework.
Online Programs Brainpop Username: brainiac Password: brainiac1 IXL Math Program Log in info is coming! AR Program arn.com/ / Log in info is coming!
Grading Scale % A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 0-59% F
Awards Criteria The end of the year awards will follow a specific criteria this year. Please refer to the award criteria memo for details.
Volunteer Info If you are interested in helping out in class you must submit (via internet) a School Volunteer form for approval. Once your application is processed you will be given a volunteer number. Your volunteer number must be active if you would like to volunteer in class. We will ask parents when there is an activity in class and/or a field trip. We will make an effort to allow all parents an opportunity to volunteer when necessary.
Volunteer Hours The required amount of hours is 30 per family. Every $5 spent equals 1 hour. If you donate items from our “wish list” please make sure to turn in the receipt in order to for your hours to be granted.
Box Tops & Shoparoo Box Tops & Shoparoo are two GREAT fundraising programs. Please refer to the fundraising flyers for more information on helping us raise money for our school.
Attendance Policy The day your child is able to return to school, it is imperative that you send a note indicating the child's name, the reason for the absence and the date/s of the absence/s. Excused absences are only allowed in case of illness or death in the family. An unexcused absence will be given if a note is not sent to school within 2 days of the absence/s. Serious absenteeism will be referred to administration for further review.
Tardiness It is especially important that your child be in school on time. A child will be marked tardy if they are not in class by 8:30 a.m. Excessive tardiness will also be referred to administration.
Uniform Policy School uniform are mandatory everyday. Strict enforcement will begin the week of September 3 rd. School uniform including shoes must follow school code in order for your child to avoid receiving a referral. On Fridays, students may wear jeans if they pay $1.00.
You can place an online order on the MATER GARDENS website under PARENTS- MAKE A PAYMENT. s/index.jsp?uREC_ID=220733&type=d How to Order Uniforms
Revised Contracts You can find more information on all these school policies within the MGA contract. Please sign & return the revised contract by this Friday.
Student Portfolios We will be compiling your child’s awesome work in order to make/build a student portfolio. This portfolio will be given back to each student when he or she graduates from MGA. We need each student to bring in a black 4 inch binder by next week.
Class Website
Parent Portal You can use your pin number in order to log on to the portal to check your child’s grades daily/weekly.
Parent Overview of CCSS s/auto/2013/8/24/ /Parent%20 Overview%20of%20CCSS.pdf s/auto/2013/8/24/ /Parent%20 Overview%20of%20CCSS.pdf
Math Morning Lab Letters were already sent home. Math morning lab will begin the week of September 8 th.
Conferences Please us whenever you would like to discuss your child’s progress. We prefer to have conferences on Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m.
Let’s Have a Great Year!