Lake Erie is in the northern hemisphere, between Canada and the United states. It is one of the 5 great lakes. Lake Erie is 57 miles across and 247 miles long.
The plants that we chose are the American lotus, it is the largest water wild flower. It has yellowish and white flowers. Seaweed is a marine plant that grows on the bottom of the lake. The cattails are plants that have spikes. They are found around the shore.
The animals we chose are the beaver, zebra mussel and yellow perch. The beaver is a large rodent with a flat tail. It is a fast Swimmer. The yellow perch is yellow with a patterned body. They are good to eat! The zebra mussel is originally from Asia brought over by ships. They look Like little clams and have stripes on there shells.
The interaction we found is with the zebra mussels. They are taking over the lake, clogging pipes and covering everything.
Interesting facts about the lake is the shallowest of all the great lakes. There are 24 lake Erie islands. Lake Erie provides 11 million people with drinking water.