SLAPSHOT Student Leadership Award Program for Students High on Training
Student Testimonial- Selene Lopez, Fort Erie "The SLAPSHOT program proved to be a fantastic experience for me as a leader. I was very fortunate to spend the weekend with over 100 teens from Canada and the U.S."
Communication Skills "I learned a lot about the basics of communication and the benefits of networking. I interacted with new people and began to reach out to others."
Community Involvement "The activities and presentations that took place inspired me to do so much more for my community. After this phenomenal leadership conference, I look forward to expressing my desire to be the change in my community, and sharing my passion for the betterment of our world with others."
Outstanding Speakers "The program involved outstanding speakers and exceptional leaders that were able to motivate my creativity. Perhaps one of the most memorable presentations was made by a young, enthusiastic, and very well educated speaker known as Joel Hilchey."
The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Teens "Joel gave a powerful message. I learned a lot from him. He emphasized the importance of teamwork and the ability to identify and value the strengths in others. Joel also defined the seven habits that lead to success as defined by Sean Covey. These habits include very helpful tips to relieve stress and manage time more wisely."
Paradigms and a Positive Perspective "This talented speaker also talked about paradigms and gave examples of how a positive perspective can make all the difference. If you change your paradigm, you can change other people's perspectives through the power of suggestion. He encouraged me to be proactive, as opposed to being reactive and simply following the ideas of others."
Organizational Skills "Joel also reminded us of the importance of organization and suggested that we develop a system in order to manage time accordingly. This way 'you can spend time doing the things you need to accomplish, instead of wasting time keeping track of them. 'I'll be sure to take some of his ideas and –what I learned from him-back to my own school and community."
Fun Activities "The program included fun activities that enticed teamwork and co- operation. From icebreakers and similar games, I got a chance to network with other scholars and find out some of the events that other schools hold to raise funds."
High Ropes "The High Ropes course was exciting and helped me improve my leadership and communication skills. I learned that in order for one person to safely complete a climbing obstacle, at least five people need to be involved. Everyone in the group had a job to do."
Working with Others "The High Ropes showed me how important it is to be able to work with others. Also since there is so much trust involved, it was a great opportunity to realize that 'You can't do every thing yourself. Sometimes you have to let things fall into the hands of capable people who are wanting to help'".
Interact Clubs "Overall, I am really glad I was given this opportunity. I learned so much and I am just so motivated to do something positive for my school, my community, and for those people around the world who are less fortunate. I will definitely work hard to put together an Interact Club at Lakeshore Catholic, and work even harder to stay fully committed to it. Already, I have some ideas to try to get people involved and keep them interested so that the club grows and develops over time. SLAPSHOT gave me the enthusiasm and energy to move forward, make a difference, and be the change." Selene Lopez, Fort Erie
Registration Form Please forward a cheque to cover the non- refundable Early Bird $200. registration fee to Kevin Crouse at 18 lakeside Drive, Brantford, Ontario N3R 5J6 Phone before February 28, Registrations received after that date will be $250. Register online by sending the following to Fax Club name Girls names Boys names Club contact name address Phone