Bessey 114 6:30 PM NSCS Meeting February 23, 2010
Relay For Life Speaker Emily HendershotEmily Hendershot Please Join the NSCS any questions about relay to or It is a lot of fun working up to the event and also participating on the day of, in addition to team members to raise money, we also urge NSCS members to join the team and come walk around the track and help out at the Relay for Life event. The more the merrier friends are welcome to join the team and to come with you! We will be having a Relay for Life specific meeting to generate ideas for the event, fundraising etc on Monday March 1 st at 7 Pm in the Union Lobby
Item of the Month If you have a dollar in your pocket please purchase a relay foot to help us get our team started! Fill out your name and it will be displayed at the event site!
Tshirts and Sweatshirts still on SALE! Tshirts: $8 Sweatshirts: $20 See me after meeting
E-board Opening for Next Year Community Service Representatives (3) Secretary Historian For more information on any position please feel free to contact Eboard members To apply go to our website: and fill out an application- send completed application to and you will be contacted for a casual interview! ApplicationApplication Attached here!
H.A.W.K (Help a Willing Kid Foundation) Fundraiser Program Mollie Blanch
Whitehills Nursing Home Friday March 19th 2010 Sat. March 27th 2010 Only 4-5 people can sign up for each so please see India after the meeting or
Sparrow Hospital Visit March 27 th in the morning 2 or 3 people please sign up after the meeting with India!
Ronald McDonald House Needs our help ! Ronald McDonald House is having a 5K run/walk on March 27 th and needs volunteers to help out at the event. To help out please Sarah: Ronald McDonald House is also collecting pop can tops (openers), start collecting they have a goal they want to achieve and it would be cool if we could help them out with that!
Public Relations We are now starting to promote NSCS on campus ! A great opportunity to get involved with advertising, marketing, public relations activities (resume builders) Please contact Eric: to get involved, or see him up front after the meeting to Also if anyone would like to set up their own advertising event feel free to contact Eric with your idea!
PACE March for Collegiate Success on Campus We need volunteers for this leadership event! Please contact Ann or see her after the Also still looking for volunteers in the PACE program, if you are looking for leadership on your resume or service hours this is a great and fun way to achieve both.
Our Next Meeting We will be inviting prospective members to our next meeting and would love to have everyone there to show them what we are all about. We will have food/beverage There will be a speaker feature at our next meeting to be announced via and our website Tuesday March 23 in 114 6:30
Recaps… Lots of Community Service Opportunities Please join RELAY FOR LIFE Leadership: PACE, Eboard positions Public Relations Activities: Help us promote on campus
Remember… Questions, concerns, ideas can all be directed to the eboard If you are not receiving s let us know Always check our website for updates: And remember that you are part of a national scholars group which has benefits to you beyond our campus please take time to look at the National website: Thanks!!!