Us-Iraq War Jason Kittle Period 3
US Average Spending on Iraq War
As of August 2008, there were more than 144,000 military personnel deployed over in Iraqi Regions
US Casualties There have been a total of 4257 confirmed death of U.S. Soldiers during the Iraq War, and 2 soldiers have been reported but not confirmed dead.
Bush’s Disbandment Plan of the Iraqi Military caused Chaos! Over 300,000 Iraqi Soldiers simply vanished One of the worst decisions of the war
Major US Mistakes in Iraq Mistake 1: Not stopping the Looting! Mistake 2: Selective Protection of Officials and the Ministry of Oil! Mistake 3: Behavior as an Occupying Army! Mistake 4: Failure to restore Services! Mistake 5: Disbanding the Police! Mistake 6: Disbanding the Army!
Obama’s Plan for US Troops Obama plans to have less than 50,000 U.S. troops in Iraq by 2010, and by 2011 to have all U.S. troops out!!!
Bibliography "| Issues." Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 18 Mar "Multinational force in Iraq -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 18 Mar "ICasualties: Iraq Coalition Casualty Count." Iraq Colalition Casualty Count. 18 Mar "Obama Plan: Less Troops in Iraq, Withdrawal Slower than Promised, Unclear End - News : MediaMouse Progressive Left News Blog - Grand Rapids, Michigan." MediaMouse: Progressive Left News Blog - Grand Rapids, Michigan. 18 Mar