Chapter 11 Financials
Balance Sheet Income Statement Statement of Cash Flows Why do we even need financials – can’t we just see that we’ve got money in the bank, and that’s good enough?!?!
Gives a snapshot of one-time performance Assets Things that can be used as factors of production Liabilities Things that the company owes to someone else. Owners’ Equity The stash of value that has been contributed by the owners and that has been added to by each period’s net income.
Shows performance over a period of time Compares the revenue you brought in and the expenses you incurred to make that revenue Net sales All sales minus returns Cost of goods sold Value of the goods you used to make things to sell plus shipping Margins Gross, operating, and net
Shows changes in working capital Current assets – current liabilities Starts with net income and works back throughout the year and Adds back sources of funds as if you didn’t have them (loans, contributions, accts receivable, inventory sold, depreciation) Subtracts uses of funds throughout the year: plant and equipment, inventory, dividend payout, debt paydown, accounts receivable lended, payments to creditors
More helpful to the new entrepreneur than a traditional cash flow statement List all of your monthly expenses Come up with a revenue estimate for the month See what is left over, in terms of cash.
Common Sizing Reducing raw figures to ratios so that we can make comparisons ▪ Big companies with little companies ▪ Previous years to this year Really bad signals Decreasing sales, falling profit margins Increasing overhead Increasing inventory Increasing accounts receivable
Great mentality from your book When all else fails, don’t spend more today than you brought in yesterday! Only 26% of small businesses use ratio analysis at all. Simplicity of control information is what is key ▪ Find out what is important to know, and only measure that.
Current ratio Current assets/Current liabilities Working Capital Current assets-Current liabilities Debt to Equity (Debt + Current Liabilities) / Owner’s Equity Debt to Assets (Debt + Current Liabilities) / Total Assets