● at least once every three years ● UNLESS the district and parent agree that NO reevaluation is needed ● if the district determines the educational or related services needs of the student warrant a reevaluation ● if the parent or teacher requests a reevaluation ● if the LEA determines the child's needs (including academic achievement and functional performance) warrant additional evaluation data ● if the child's parent or teacher requests additional evaluation data A REEVALUATION IS REQUIRED FLDOE TAP
if the parent revokes consent for the provision of services if the child graduates from secondary school with a regular diploma if the child exceeds the age of eligibility for FAPE (Ages 3 through 21) 3 A REEVALUATION IS NOT REQUIRED FLDOE TAP
The IEP Team and other qualified professionals, as appropriate, must take the following actions: existing evaluation data on the student evaluations and information provided by the student’s parents current classroom-based, local, or state assessments and classroom-based observations observations by teachers and related services providers 4 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR CONDUCTING A REEVALUATION
ADDITIONAL DATA Required, if needed, to establish: 1.whether the child continues to have a disability; 2.the present levels of academic achievement and developmental needs of the child; 3.whether the child continues to need special education and related services; and 4.whether any additions or modifications to the special education and related services are needed to enable the child to meet the measurable annual goals set out in the IEP of the child and to participate, as appropriate, in the general education curriculum.
is NOT required for the IEP team to review existing data as part of a reevaluation or administering a test or other evaluation that is administered to all children unless, before administration of that test or evaluation, consent is required of parents of all children is required to attain additional data If the parent does not respond to the request for consent after documented reasonable efforts have been made to obtain consent, the IEP team may proceed with the gathering of new additional data The school district must document its attempts to obtain parental consent using procedures such as those used to obtain parental participation in meetings. 6 PARENTAL WRITTEN CONSENT
Obtain a copy of the student's: Grades/Schedule Current data Gather IEP team members as required : LEA i.e., SPED program specialist or administrator School psychologist SPED teacher General education teacher Parent Related service personnel, other program personnel (i.e., SLP), if applicable(participation may also be through submission of written report) PROCEDURES FOR REEVALUATIONS
Forms that must be completed: Reevaluation Team (RT) - SPED-EMS Informed Notice of Reevaluation Review Meeting and/or Consent for Reevaluation - SPED-EMS Updated Social History/SIB-R Request through SCAM form (if requested by school psychologist) Two Teacher Observations (Second page from Request for Assistance, FM# 7073) (2 observations, as requested by school psychologist) FM# 2480, Anecdotal Records, if referring to E/BD (as requested by school psychologist) Any other documents as deemed necessary by school psychologist PROCEDURES FOR REEVALUATIONS
REEVALUATION & IEP TIMELINE Within a reasonable time of the parent’s signed consent, the evaluator(s) completes the assessment. Within 10 days after completing the assessment, the evaluator(s) completes the reevaluation report. The evaluator(s) provides the staffing specialist with the completed reevaluation report when the documents are submitted. Within 20 days of the evaluation report date, or sooner, the staffing specialist will ensure that the reevaluation meeting is scheduled and conducted. (The timelines are measured via the M-DCPS reporting system)
REEVALUATION PRACTICES To ensure that the meeting is scheduled in a timely manner: the school psychologist or other evaluator must contact the staffing specialist once the report is submitted the staffing specialist must contact the school site once the report is provided to them the meeting must occur in a timely manner (within, but no later than 20 days(as documented on M- DCPS reporting system)
QUESTIONS???? Contact Information: Edna Waxman, Instructional Supervisor, Compliance Division of Exceptional Student Education 1501 NE 2nd Ave. Room 409E Miami, FL Office: Fax: (general) Fax: (strictly confidential)