1 of 5 This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Make SharePoint Server 2007 Files Available in Groove 2007 Edit SharePoint Server 2007 Files in Groove 2007 Synchronize Folders with GFS Save a Workspace as a Template Create a Workspace from a Template With Groove 2007, small teams can work together securely over the Internet or on a corporate network without sharing the same location, time zone, or even company. Integrate Groove 2007 with Microsoft ® Office SharePoint ® Server 2007 integration to view and edit SharePoint Server 2007 files in Groove 2007 workspaces. Topics in this guide include: Make SharePoint Server 2007 Files Available in Groove 2007 Connect a Document Library to a Groove 2007 workspace, and then edit files and synchronize changes to the Document Library. This makes it possible to collaborate on content in Groove 2007 when you are offline, and update the SharePoint Server 2007 site when you are online. The first step is to connect a Document Library to your Groove 2007 workspace In a workspace, on the File menu, point to New, point to Tool, and then click SharePoint Server 2007 Files. You can also click the Add a tool icon to find the SharePoint Server 2007 Files tool. The Add Tool icon is in the lower-right corner of the workspace. Double-click a SharePoint Server 2007 site, click a Document Library on the site, and then click Select. The Document Library is copied into your workspace. The content appears in a new tab called SharePoint Files. 4 Notes Integration requires SharePoint Server Only one Document Library can be connected to each instance of the Files tool. To connect other Document Libraries, you must add additional SharePoint Server 2007 File tools. Tip Rename SharePoint Files tabs—or any tab—for easier recognition. This is useful when you have more than one SharePoint Files tool. To rename a tab, right-click it, click Rename, and type a new name. In the SharePoint Files window, click Setup. Note If you do not see the Setup button, you may need to increase the size of your workspace window. In the left navigation pane, click My SharePoint Sites.
2 of 5 This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 1 Edit SharePoint Server 2007 Files in Groove 2007 After a Document Library has been added to your workspace, you can edit SharePoint Server 2007 files in Groove Double-click a file to open it. Begin editing the file. When you have finished, save the file and close the file application. To save the file in Groove 2007, do one of the following: Notes Saving the file in Groove 2007 does not update the master file in the Document Library. To update the Document Library, you must synchronize files and folders as described in the next topic. When multiple workspace members edit a file at the same time, when the files are saved, each version is automatically given a different file name. Groove 2007 adds member names to differentiate the versions. Synchronize SharePoint Server 2007 Files with Groove 2007 After you edit and save SharePoint Server 2007 files in Groove 2007, synchronize the changes with the master files in the Document Library. To synchronize changes, do one of the following: To manually synchronize files and folders with the Document Library, click Synchronize Now. In the Preview Synchronization window, click Synchronize Now. -OR- To automatically synchronize files and folders with the Document Library, in the lower right of your workspace, click. In the Synchronization Schedule dialog box, click Automatically, select a synchronization schedule, and then click OK. You can choose intervals of minutes, hours, or days. Notes When files and folders are synchronized, any new files that were uploaded to the Files tool in Groove 2007 will be added to the Document Library as well. Even if the Automatically option is selected, you can manually synchronize files by clicking Synchronize Now. Near the bottom of your workspace, click the SharePoint Files tab. To save the file under its current name, in the Editing File - Save dialog box, click Yes. To save a copy of the file under a different name, in the Editing file – Save dialog box, type a new name, and then click Yes.
3 of 5 This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Add the Calendar Tool The Groove 2007 Calendar tool is a valuable resource for team collaboration. Use it to display project schedules, milestones, and other important activities. In the workspace, click File, point to New, point to Tool, and then click Calendar. A Calendar tab appears at the bottom of the workspace. To create a Calendar entry, click New Appointment. To change the view of the Calendar, on the View menu, click an option. To see a detailed view of the current day next to the main calendar, click Show Day Pane. In Windows Explorer, click a folder you want to share as a GFS folder. On the View menu, point to Explorer Bar, and then click Groove Folder Synchronization. A Groove Folder Synchronization pane appears. 2 Synchronize Local Folders with GFS Groove 2007 Folder Synchronization (GFS) folders are folders separate from workspaces. You create GFS folders in your Windows file system. Share a GFS folder with others and Groove 2007 will ensure that all changes within the folder are shared between users and that all files are kept up-to-date. Note GFS folders have a 2-gigabyte size limit. Caution Files shared in Groove 2007 workspaces are stored in an encrypted format, but files in a GFS folder are encrypted only during transmission between computers. Any new files added to a synchronized folder will automatically be shared with all members so ensure that sensitive files are not placed in these shared folders. 1 Note The Groove 2007 Calendar tool does not synchronize with the Outlook 2007 Calendar or SharePoint Server 2007 Calendar.
4 of 5 This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Save a Workspace as a Template Save a workspace as a template so you or others can quickly create the same kind of workspace again Notes The default location for templates is the Groove Workspace Templates folder in the My Documents folder. Templates can be mailed to others as attachments. Templates can also be uploaded to a workspace so others can use them. In the workspace you want to save as a template, on the File menu, point to Save Workspace As, and then click Template. Enter a file name for the template, and then click Save. In the Template Options dialog box, select any options you want, and then click OK. By default, all tools in the original workspace—along with any customized tool names—are included in the template. The GFS folder is created with the same folder name it had before. In Windows Explorer, use the Folder Synchronization pane to: View the details of the file sharing workspace. View the members of the workspace. Send workspace invitations. Set workspace and folder properties. 3 Click Start synchronizing ‘foldername.’ 4 In the confirmation window, click Yes.
5 of 5 This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Create a Workspace from a Template 1 2 On the File menu, point to New, point to Workspace From, and then click Template. Note Groove 2007 automatically looks in the Groove Workspace Templates folder for templates. If you saved a template to a different location, you must browse to that location to select it. In the Browse window, click a template, and then click Open.