Welcome! To Open House
Clip Chart E= Excellent Behavior Always on task, participating, and following directions. Does not have to be reminded or redirected. S= Satisfactory Behavior All students begin on “S”. If a student receives an “S”, then they had a satisfactory day. They may have been talking, ‘talking out’, not following directions, or not ‘on task’ at some point during the day. N= Needs Improvement Students will drop down to an ‘N’ if there were infractions or off-task behavior that occurred several times during the day. U= Unsatisfactory Behavior Students receive a “U” that have had infractions multiple times that day, or a severe infraction, such as lying, cheating, stealing, or a physical altercation.
Eagle Bucks Eagle bucks are little “coupons” that students get for good behavior, participation, or as ‘pay’ for the week that they were a classroom assistant (they can be taken away as well). They save them in a baggie until the end of the 9 weeks to participate in our “Eagle Party”. Any leftover Eagle bucks will be used to buy treasure box items or classroom coupons. Keeping track of eagle bucks is the student’s responsibility. The eagle bucks need to be at school at all times.
Tuesday Folders Tuesday Folders need to be signed and returned on Wednesday mornings. We get house points for 100% signed and returned folders on Wednesday! Keep all papers at home. Sign and return papers with a grade below a 70%.
Student Planners Weekly homework and daily conduct grades are listed in the student planners. We want to teach students organizational skills and keep parents informed. This is our way of communicating with you. The planner must be signed daily to verify that a parent has seen the daily conduct. Should a student not have his/her signatures for conduct by the end of the week, then the conduct for Friday of that week will be lowered one letter grade.
Homework All homework is given out on Monday and listed in student planners, on our boards, and our websites. ALL homework due Friday unless otherwise specified. Remember to initial the planner each night for conduct.
Parent Connection The Parent Portal allows you to view grades, assignments, and attendance. You can create an account through the district website or our campus website. Please note that teachers do not enter grades on a daily basis. There are some graded papers that you will not see in their Tuesday folders.
Helping at Home
Reading for Pleasure Our goal is to create lifelong readers. Your child should be reading each night for a least 15 minutes. Ask your child about what they read to check for understanding and comprehension. Reading on a regular basis will help your child in ALL subject areas!
Study Math Facts! Your child must know their addition and subtraction facts through 12. Please set aside some time each night to review these facts. We will beginning multiplication soon! Please start working with your child on their multiplication facts through 12’s. Flashcards or writing out their facts are a perfect activity for “I’m bored” time or in the car!
We Need Your Help!
Dismissal and Early Releases If your child will be going home a different way than usual, or will have an early dismissal, please send a note to school stating the change. We cannot allow a child to go home a different way without a note. Please try to schedule dentist/doctor and other appointments for after school. Even if missing only minutes, your child will miss a lot of content!
What happens when I am absent?
When you are absent … If your child is absent, please send a note to school within 5 days stating the reason for the absence. Please include your student’s full name and their homeroom teacher in the note.
STAAR TESTING Your child will be taking 2 STAAR tests this year, one in Reading and one in Math. All tests are timed Dates: May 9 th and May 10 th
Parent/Teacher Conference Day Monday October 12, 2014 (Columbus Day) You can reserve a conference time by signing up tonight using the computers. You will be meeting with both teachers during the conference, so you only reserve one time slot. If you would prefer a phone call, please sign up and we will call you during that time slot. Please leave a number that you can be reached at during the time you signed up for.
Fall Picture Day is October 14 th Character Book Parade October 21 st Fall Carnival October 16 th Third Grade Field Trip November 4 th
Fall Festival The Fall Festival will be held Friday, October 16 th. Silent Auction Class Baskets: Third Grade Theme-Camping Please send donation items in for our class baskets! Any and all items are greatly appreciated.
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