Survival: What Plants Need to Grow A WebQuest for 3rd Grade (Biology) Designed by Tiffany Baez, Kendra Cage, & Danielle Wilkinson
Can a plant grow in a closet with the door closed? Introduction Can a plant grow in a closet with the door closed? How about in the sunlight but with little watering? These are the types of questions you will be able to answer! With this project you will take on the role of a Botanist and study the plants and their habitats.
We are going to grow plants using different growing conditions. The Task Can a plant grow better in a closet? How about in the sunlight? What if we put a twist on it? We are going to grow plants using different growing conditions. In a closet with an ample amount of water. In the sunlight with very little water. In the sunlight with ample water. Use This Link to find out more information and play some fun plant games!
The Process First you will be assigned to a team of 3 students. Each of you will have a plant and be responsible for watering it accordingly. One person in your group will have a plant that should be placed in the closet, and watered once every 2 days. Another person in your group will have a plant that should be placed by the windowsill and watered once every 2 weeks. The last person in your group will take the last plant and place it on the bookshelf near the window and water it once every 2 days. Record your information in your science logs daily. You will find this graph in your science folders --
Evaluation Below is how your group will be graded on this project. Pay specific attention to the point values. more
Evaluation (continued) You will find this rubric in your science folders! Evaluation (continued) back
You can find this graph in your science folders as well. Conclusion What was your ending result? Did your plant grow better in sunlight without any water, or better in the closet with plenty of water? Or did the plant that had sunlight and was watered regularly grow better than the other two? You can find this graph in your science folders as well.
Survival: What Do Plants Need to Grow? A WebQuest for 3rd Grade (Biology) Designed by Tiffany Baez, Kendra Cage, & Danielle Wilkinson
Introduction This lesson was designed to be a lengthened anticipatory set for an upcoming lesson on photosynthesis. The students are able to explore the scientific method and use it effectively to hypothesize and form their own conclusions to their growing plant habitats. The students are given their own responsibilities as well as a group responsibility to fulfill the requirement for the project.
Learners This lesson is anchored in 3rd grade science. The students are asked to take care of plants in different ways. The idea is for the students to discover what way works best when growing plants. The students are able to recognize that green leaves and water are important for plant life. They do not know how much water or sunlight is important for growing plants. This lesson is also an anticipatory set for further lessons and photosynthesis in older grades. This lesson is also vital for students to learn the importance of working collaboratively in a group to accomplish a common goal. This is a skill that is important later on in life.
Curriculum Standards National Science Education Standards Life Science CONTENT STANDARD C: As a result of activities in grades K-4, all students should develop understanding of Organisms and environments Organisms have basic needs. For example, animals need air, water, and food; plants require air, water, nutrients, and light. Organisms can survive only in environments in which their needs can be met. The world has many different environments, and distinct environments support the life of different types of organisms. The behavior of individual organisms is influenced by internal cues (such as hunger) and by external cues (such as a change in the environment). Humans and other organisms have senses that help them detect internal and external cues. Benchmarks for Science Literacy The Nature of Science Scientific Inquiry By the end of the 5th grade, students should know that Because we expect science investigations that are done the same way to produce the same results, when they do not, it is important to try to figure out why. One reason for following directions carefully and for keeping records of one's work is to provide information on what might have caused differences in investigations. Scientists' explanations about what happens in the world come partly from what they observe, partly from what they think. Sometimes scientists have different explanations for the same set of observations. That usually leads to their making more observations to resolve the differences. Scientists do not pay much attention to claims about how something they know about works unless the claims are backed up with evidence that can be confirmed, along with a logical argument. more
Process First you’ll be assigned to a team of 3 students Each of you will have a plant and be responsible for watering it One person in your group will have a plant that should be placed in the closet, and watered once every 2 days. Another person in your group will have a plant that should be placed by the windowsill and watered once every 2 weeks. The last person in your group will take the last plant and place it on the bookshelf near the window and water it once every 2 days. Record your information in your science logs daily, by creating a summary table that looks like this :
Resources Needed What do the students need? Potting soil, seeds, and pots for the plants (all are provided by the teacher) Science folders (both graph sheets are included as well as instructions for planting the plants) Pencils for recording Poster board for constructing their in class presentation Art materials for decorating posters Computer with internet access. (Enough time is allotted during school) The internet may also be used for the students to get pictures or further research if they wish, but it is not necessary. Students will need the assistance of their parents when planting their plants. Students will be given class time to compare their results once a week with each other. Students will also be given class time at the end of the project to put together their presentations. If students need more time, parents can help arrange time to finish the projects. A newsletter will be sent home to parents explaining the upcoming project and asking for their help in assisting their young scholars.
Evaluation more
Evaluation (continued) This rubric will be provided for the students in their science folders as well. Evaluation (continued) back
Conclusion Through this lesson, the students are able to recognize the importance of each essential step in the scientific process. The students are also able to recognize each important element in growing plants. The students are able to answer essential questions that lead into photosynthesis and the process of photosynthesis. Lastly, the students are able to work together and create and achieve something together.
Credits &References References All images for this Web Quest can be found in Google Images at: Credits To all of the parents that helped their little scholars accomplish this project. To the students that worked cooperatively with each other on this project. To Walmart for providing the students with the potting soil, pots, and seeds for the project.