WIN FS By Anthony Rocchio Information Assurance Group 20 September 2005
Topics What WinFS is How WinFS works
What WinFS is 3 tenets of WinFS: –Find –Relate –Act
What WinFS is Find: –15 to 30 percent of time looking for information. –Improve the speed and accuracy of finding information –New types of data such as multimedia and new forms of communication and collaboration. –Current file system does not know how to collect and find information within these new types of data
What WinFS is Relate: –Data relationships are built into the system, linking together all the different types of data that people work with –Graphically display these related items –Users get a better understanding of how their data all fits together
What WinFS is Act: –Turn data into useful information that can be acted upon. –Remove tedious data activities that can be automated –WinFS Rules are a built-in component of the system that allows you to tell the system how to work with, sort, and deliver data.
How WinFS works
Core WinFS –The fundamentals, which includes operations and file system services –Security, manageability, Win32 file access support, import/export, quotas… Data Model –Basic item structure and relationships
How WinFS works Schemas –Provide a more structured way to handle your data's metadata. Services –“Sit on top" of WinFS to provide capabilities that extend beyond the fundamentals of the system. –Enable you to synchronize WinFS systems across a network
How WinFS works APIs –Program the different building blocks of the WinFS system including data operations, rules, synchronization, and the data model.
How WinFS works Direct Acyclic Graph of items (DAG). –Set of stored items and their relationships –Physical storage is a relational database –Possible to find items according to the value of their properties and even to the value of the properties of items related to them.
How WinFS works Everything that is stored is an item Each item has metadata properties that are described by a schema. T-SQL views give access to the items' properties.
How WinFS works Only applies to folders within the Documents and Settings folders. All other folders still reside under the control of NTFS. %systemroot% and Program Files are NTFS folders, – application executable files will not actually live in the WinFS store.
Sources us/dnwinfs/html/winfs asp ues/04/01/WinFS/