Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike 2.5 License Sakai Programmer's Café Sakai Oxford Tetra ELF Workshop Welcome to the Sakai Oxford Tetra ELF Workshop Aaron Zeckoski
2 A little about myself (Aaron Zeckoski)Aaron Zeckoski
3 Manager of Application Development
4 Fancy name for: Lead Developer
6 Learning Technologies
8 URL:
9 Working on: Masters degree in CS
10 Sakai Fellow URL:
11 URL:
12 URL:
13 I have been involved in: Desktop Support Network Engineering User Support and Training System and Application Support Database Administration UI Design Software Engineering
14 But mostly, I am a learner like you
15 URL: Want to know more about me for some reason?
16 What about those other 2 guys?
17 Antranig Basman Creator of RSF (more on this later)RSF From Cambridge (in the UK)Cambridge Expert in Java and C++ –And modern code in general Flowtalk creator
18 Ian Boston Sakai Fellow CTO of CARETCARET From Cambridge (in the UK)Cambridge Blogger:
19 So, why are we here?
20 Learn about Sakai Look at some new technolgies Play with some tools Hear some presentations Write some code Have some fun Have more fun
21 How to get the most out of this workshop Don’t try to remember everything, it is all written down and you can access it later Don’t just watch us write code, try it yourself and stop us if you hit a snag Ask questions when you think of them, there is time built into every presentation for questions Check your and answer cell phones during the breaks (there are lots of them)
22 Workshop Agenda? It’s online here: confluence/display/BOOT/ Oxford+Tetra+ELF Try a google search instead if you forget or don’t want to type that ingoogle search URL:
23 Now for some quotes from CS guys URL:
24 I invented the term Object- Oriented, and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind… - Alan Kay, Smalltalk creator URL:
25 UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity. - Dennis Ritchie, Creator of C, key developer of Unix OS URL:
26 Real men don't use backups, they post their stuff on a public ftp server and let the rest of the world make copies. - Linuc Torvalds, Creator of Linux URL:
27 The best way to predict the future is to invent it. - Alan Kay, Smalltalk creator URL:
28 What’s your point? Quotes from CS guys are fun As part of the Sakai development community, you have the opportunity to “invent” the future of Academic Computing This is supposed to get you excited about Sakai and community source But… you need tools and (more) skills to contribute to the effort in a meaningful way
29 On with it then!