Learning R hands on
Organization of Folders: Class Data folder has datasets (end in.csv or.rda) Rcode has the scripts of R commands that can cut and pasted into an R window (end in.R) Ppt has the powerpoints
The Basics Rintro.R Reading in comma separated data Listing a data set or its components Subscripts Sequences and combing values (: and “c”) Creating a new data set with <- Arithmetic in R Applying some stats to data Saving your work
Fooling with the data RintroManipulating.R Subscripting to get a subset of data Working with rows and columns Arithmetic on a column at once Pay attention to where the commas are! e.g. BT2[3,5] BT2[3,] BT2[,5] BT2[,3:5] or BT2[1:10,3:5] These are all different!
Plotting Data RintroPlotting.R Histogram hist Adding more features to the plot Scatterplots using plot Box plots for several data sets boxplot Adding text to a scatter plot Changing the axes scales Build a complicated plot by adding features through several simple steps
Writing functions RintroFunctions.R The uses for { } and ( ) What goes in and what comes out Listing a function Optional arguments Calling a function and assigning its results to a new data set Review of R arithmetic