College Prep Chemistry Lesson #16 LESSON GOALS: Complete density lab review density equation review percent-difference formula Work through percent-difference sheet Note: We will skip the Elements video quiz since you were so attentive for the substitute… 1/4
Density Lab First, we will briefly review the equations for calculating DENSITY and then also PERCENT DIFFERENCE (or “Percent Error”). Then, we will complete the density lab! Your lab group should copy down the chart from the board. – Calculate the densities of the different blocks (1- by-1…do not mix them up!) in the kit. Then determine the %-difference. 2/4
Percent-Difference Worksheet Now that you have had some physical experience in calculating percent-difference, run through the worksheet to hone these skills. When you are done, both the worksheet (working in collaborative pairs) and your groups’ lab paper should be in the Inbox. [Remove any Outbox papers which are yours, as usual]. 3/4
Looking Ahead We will do a Lab on Measurement (Bubbles!) next class. This will also give us some unit conversion practice. Additionally, we will look at significant figures in more detail, and rounding (by going through the solutions to the problems on the old “Measurements Powerpoint” packet). 4/4