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“Only Thing To Fear” Inauguration Speech “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself” FDR takes office at the worst part of the depression Can do attitude -Public Relations: make citizens connected to gov’t -Fireside Chats: weekly radio talks to public simple language
A Call to Action -Progressive programs Experiment with solutions -Group Effort Eleanor Roosevelt: wife, works behind the scenes, popular public speaker Brain Trust: carefully picked advisors -1 st 100 Days: intense time of activity for federal gov’t in which 15 pieces of legislation pass
First New Deal - Bank Holiday: closed banks to prevent further withdrawals -FDIC: make banking safer -SEC: make stock market safer -designed for recovery and relief -deficit spending spending more than the made -pump priming: Government action taken to stimulate the economy, as spending money in the commercial sector, cutting taxes, or reducing interest rates
Alphabet Soup -FDIC :Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation Insured individual bank accounts, exists today -SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission Regulates stock market, exists today -PWA Public Works Administration Made jobs on gov’t projects -CWA Civil Works Administration Created more over 4million jobs, paid teachers and built schools
Alphabet Soup -TVA Tennessee Valley Authority Repaired and build damns in TN, still exists today -CCC Civilian Conservation Corp Conservation projects, men AAA Agricultural Adjustment Act sought to raise crop prices by decreasing production, ruled unconstitutional -NRA National Recovery Administration set standards for fair business practices, set prices, ruled unconstitutional
Not Enough Help -By 1935 the economy has still not recovered -there is enough relief to keep people from starving -some people start to demand more action -Roosevelt seeks a 2 nd term, easily wins re-election
New Deal Critics -Father Coughlin heavy taxes on the rich to provide income for all -Huey Long “Every man a King” level income, home and college for all -Francis Townsend proposed income for elderly
-programs to continue help for working class Americans and their families during Roosevelt’s 2 nd term—called the 2 nd New Deal -WPA Works Progress Administration- -Created millions of jobs— historians, art, music…etc. -Social Security Act old pension for elderly and aid for disabled, still exists today -Rural Electrification Administration (REA): provided cheap electricity to the rural areas 2 nd New Deal
More Programs
Labor Relations -National Labor Relations Act--- (Wagner Act) NLRB (created the National Labor Relations Board) right to unionize anti-union practices banned -Fair Labor Standards minimum wage, 40 hour week, employment laws for those under 18 -Growth of AFL, CIO National Youth Administration (NYA) -job training for youth and part- time jobs for need students
Court Packing -Several New Deal programs ruled unconstitutional AAA, NRA Roosevelt fears the Supreme Court is hurting New Deal -Roosevelt proposed adding new justices that support his programs—called Packing the Court -seen as a threat to checks and balances so it fails
Activity Complete review questions Complete review questions Alphabet Soup Matching Game Alphabet Soup Matching Game Homework Homework Reminders: Reminders: Test Friday Test Friday Honors Project due Thurs. April 22 nd Honors Project due Thurs. April 22 nd Notebooks due Friday Notebooks due Friday Grade closes next Friday April 23 rd ! Grade closes next Friday April 23 rd !
Alphabet Soup: New Deal New Deal AgencyPurpose and Significant Facts FDIC Federal Depositors urance Corp. -insures individual bank accounts -still exists today SEC Securities and Exchange Commission -regulates the stock market -prevents insider trading -still exists today PWA Public Works Administration -created jobs on gov’t projects CWA Civil Works Administration -created over 4 million federal jobs immediately -paid teacher salaries and built schools
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority -repaired and built damns -still exists today CCC Civilian Conservation Corps. -planted trees, soil erosion, and other conservation projects AAA Agricultural Adjustment Act -sought to raise crop prices by decreasing production -ruled unconstitutional NRA National Recovery Administration -established to promote fair practices in industry, set prices for many products -ruled unconstitutional SSA Social Security Administration -provides pensions for elderly and aid for disabled
WPA Works Progress Administration -created as many jobs as quickly as possible -created public works of lasting importance NLRA established National Labor Relations Board -Wagner Act -right to unionize NYA National Youth Administration -provided job training for young unemployed -created part-time jobs for needy students -led by African-American Mary McLeod Bethune Fair Labor Standards Act -minimum wage -maximum hours -legalized unions REA Rural Electrification Administration -cheap electricity to rural areas
Alphabet Soup Game With a partner you play a matching game in order to learn the programs created by the New Deal.