INTERNET: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Introduction by Audrie/Sam The name of the project that we are working is called Information Assurance Outreach and Education sponsored by University of New Mexico. 1. Qualifiy the many of you use the Internet? How many of you have access to a computer? How many of you have used MySpace or Facebook? 2. Encourage the students to ask questions during the presentation.
Good Things A Better You A Funner You A More Knowledgeable You A Popular You A More Efficient You Audrie
Just How Good Is The 'Net? Depends on how it is used. You use it for school, making you a better, more knowledgeable you: Searching the web for research Finding out facts on a subject Easy access to information leads to better grades Audrie
What Are Some Other Uses of the 'Net? You use it for Entertainment, making you a funner more popular you: Chat, Instant Messaging, Email, MySpace, Facebook, P2P networks, Gaming and YouTube lets you keep up with the new age stuff. Audrie
How About the Downside? Things to be aware of while you are on the Internet... Social network pitfalls Virus contraction Identity theft Social engineering Bad guys Audrie Briefly describe the 5 topics and let students know that we will be expanding on these topics shortly.
Be Careful with Facebook/MySpace These places are for fun and socializing but be careful Never post any personally identifiable information about yourself... These sites are not only popular for young people but they are also popular for online predators! Audrie You may want to explain that in addition to sexual predators, these sites are a breeding ground for cyber-bullies and scammers as well.
How Do You Avoid and Treat Viruses? VIRUS: A computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without the permission or knowledge of the owner. Where do viruses come from - Can be transferred through the World Wide Web, e-mail, Instant Messaging and file sharing systems. Anti-Virus Software - Install it BEFORE your computer is infected! Virus Removal - Can use a tool known as System Restore, which restores the registry and critical system files to a previous checkpoint. Reinstall Operating System - simple to do, faster than running multiple antivirus scans, and is guaranteed to remove any malware. Downsides -having to reinstall all other software, reconfiguring, restoring user preferences. Audrie Explain what a virus is and where they come from Mention some popular anti-virus software such as Norton and McAffee. Explain how system restore works Explaing briefly what a reinstall involves
Protecting Your Personal Identifiable Information What not to post online... Social Security Number Date or Place of Birth Biometric Information Financial Information Things you can do to be safe... Use strong passwords Lock your computer when not in use Use anti-virus/security software Turn on the firewall in Windows Recognize phishing attempts Sam Expand a bit on what theives are looking for in order to steal your identity. What is biometric information Explain what a strong password is and advise against passwords that can be found in the dictionary. Encourage keeping your computer updated with the latest antivirus files and OS updates from Microsoft for example. Explain that there is a software firewall as well as hardware firewalls. Just make sure that the software firewall is on at a minimum. Be able to recognize phishing attempts; we will cover this item in depth shortly.
What is Phishing? Definition Methods Guarding against phishing Phishing is only one of several social engineering techniques used to trick you into divulging information about yourself Methods Through email that looks authentic; directs you to websites using pop-ups to get your information Guarding against phishing Never divulge confidential information Use anti-virus software and firewalls Do not reply to unsolicited email Sam What is phishing? It is about trying to get you to reveal any personal information about yourself to the bad guys. Always look at the URL/address line at the top of your browser and make sure that you are hitting the correct website. Thieves are notorious for sending emails about your bank account that for example want you to verify some account information that requires you to put in some information. Never reply to mysterious emails. Many times when you reply to a sender, you are just letting them know that your email address is valid.
Beware of the Bad Guys! Hackers Child predators Break in to your computer for different reasons Some do it for fun or just because they can Others do it because they want the attention Child predators Known to frequent chat rooms, social networks There are literally thousands posing as teens Never agree to meet with people you don't know Tell an adult about suspicious persons Sam There are groups of hackers out there, some are actually trying to find ways to beat the bad guys but there are far more bad hackers with intent to harm the innocent. Many of you have heard that when Myspace first came out the media reported that there were something like 30- or 40 thousand sex offenders online. Even today, you never really quite know who's who on the internet. The Dateline TV program often shows child predators that meet teen boys and girs online and attempts to meet. Fortunately, the police has caught on and often place officers in chat rooms to bust these predators. Remember, the Internet is FOREVER and can never be leaves a digital footprint. Everything is cached or logged by search engines like Google.
Useful Information Websites Other Helpful Resources Websites Other Helpful Resources Parents Teachers Counselors Police Sam This is a really good website with tons of helpful information. The IKEEPSAFE Coalition has some very useful tools that parents and and young people can use to safely use technology and the Internet. Never think that you can't tell an adult or older person about issues that you may be having. We were also kids, so if you have a problem, chances are someone has been in a similar situation. By coming forward and exposing a bad guy, you are making the Internet safer for your friends and maybe a little brother or little sister.
Conclusion Additional Questions Or Comments? Additional Questions Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to present to you today. Or Comments?