Standard 8 Indicator 8.4 Standard USHC-8: The student will demonstrate an understanding of social, economic and political issues in contemporary America
Enduring Understanding: In the recent past, political views in the United States have embraced both conservative and liberal perspectives. To make informed political decisions about contemporary issues, the student will… USHC-8.4 Analyze the causes and consequences of the resurgence of the conservative movement, including social and cultural changes of the 1960s and 1970s, Supreme Court decisions on integration and abortion, the economic and social policies of the Reagan administration, and the role of the media
Conservatives vs. Liberals The fight between Conservatives & Liberals has been going on since the beginning of US History & still exists today! Seems to especially be more fierce in times of great social change and during times of economic uncertainty Political positions span from far Right to far Left with Moderates in the middle
People can be socially or fiscally Liberal People can be socially or fiscally Conservative People can even be a mixture of both! Since the 1790’s, political parties have been the means by which “like-minded” people have influenced their gov’t “Like-minded” people have shaped policies that reflect their positions on issues
Federalists & Democratic-Republicans split because over the issue of the appropriate role & power of the National gov’t THIS IS STILL A MAJOR DIVIDER TODAY!!! Political Parties address many issues Just because someone says they are a Democrat or a Republican doesn’t mean they agree with all the issues Each party has their Liberals & Conservatives
Political Parties reflect public opinion & become more Liberal or Conservative depending on its voters The basic differences between Liberals & Conservatives in the 1980’s & TODAY developed because of different responses to the Great Depression, New Deal, Civil Rights Movement, & Great Society Changes that occurred in society & counter culture of the 1960’s strengthened Conservatives
A Conservative backlash first showed up with Southern resistance to the Brown v. Board decision TV & Media showed social unrest of the cities in the North & West Conservatives saw LBJ’s Great Society as helping African Americans at the expense of whites—despite the fact that many Whites benefited from these anti- poverty programs
The reactions to Civil Rights & Affirmative Action pointed out basic differences between Conservatives & Liberals!
CONSERVATIVES Believe that a large federal gov’t threatens individual freedoms The majority of governing should be left to the states = “STATES RIGHTS” Believe in personal responsibility Gov’t should leave charity to the private sector Do not support the extension of the welfare state
Believe welfare programs make their recipients permanently dependent on gov’t & are too costly
Women’s Rights Movement challenged the status quo and the Conservative ideals of the proper role of women in society The Roe v. Wade decision outraged some Conservatives & prompted a “Right To Life” movement Conservatives believe the Supreme Court should overturn the Roe v. Wade decision Oppose ratification of the ERA- Equal Rights Amendment
LIBERALS Believe that the federal gov’t should take an active role in protecting the rights & welfare of its citizens Should protect minority groups against prejudices Advocate gov’t programs to aid those who are least able to care for themselves Believe an individual should have the right to make decisions about his/her well being Supports a woman’s right to choose Supported the ERA
As the Vietnam War was watched on TV, the generation gap & polarization of society intensified as Americans saw themselves as “Conservative Hawks” or “Liberal Doves” Conservatives hated burning of draft cards & peace marches When Vietnam fell to the VC in 1975, Conservatives intensified their anti- Communist views
Conservatives also feared US was losing its place as a world leader The Counter Culture that developed from the anti-war movement caused the sexual revolution of the 1960’s This alienated many Conservatives even further… Drug use, the divorce rate, number of unmarried people living together climbed Conservatives said this was caused by the decline in family values
NEW RIGHT Created because of RMN’s promise to restore “Law & Order” amid riots & protests This was part of his “Southern Strategy” Businessmen who opposed environmental protections because they killed jobs & economic prosperity were “NR” Conservatives who opposed abortion = “NR” They will all join together to form the “NR”!
Fundamentalists & Evangelical churches organized politically as social Conservatives Televangelists & radio personalities used the media to reach millions every day with their conservative ideals By the 1980’s, cable TV, 24 hour news, political talk shows intensified their rhetoric Their impact was felt when after the Watergate Scandal & Gerald Ford’s pardon of RMN---it led to the election of Democrat Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter inherited economic problems from the Vietnam War, ongoing crisis in the Middle East, double digit inflation, & an energy crisis
This all eroded prosperity of the Middle Class & undermined social welfare programs Conservatives in turn became VERY popular with Americans When Carter couldn’t end the Iranian Hostage Crisis, the stage was set for Ronald Reagan
RONALD REAGAN CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN Campaigned for President with concern over the economy & US status in the world in question RR had a “can-do” attitude & patriotism that appealed to Americans The RR was inaugurated, the Iran hostages were set free This added to his “can-do” image
Named first female to the Supreme Court, Sandra Day O’Connor (also Conservative) The Conservative Supreme Court was one of Reagan’s enduring legacies
RR launched “Reagan Revolution” = cutting taxes for the wealthy to promote investment & create jobs RR cut gov’t spending Conservatives loved RR—saw him as opposing the New Deal! These Conservatives believe if the wealthy have more money, then prosperity will “trickle down” to the rest of society
The rich invest in building businesses & they hire workers (supply side) Liberals called it “REAGANOMICS” = that the economic well-being of the nation depends on the ability of all the people to consume the goods produced Because increased demand will prompt business owners to create more jobs & more people with jobs will spend more $$$$$ (demand side)
Liberals believe that the wealthy should pay taxes in proportion to their ability to pay Tax cuts should go to the lower & middle class who will use that money to consume goods which prompts investment, jobs, & prosperity Liberals believe that in economic hard times, the federal gov’t should stimulate the economy through deficit spending
Conservatives believe “belt-tightening” & balanced budgets should get the US through economic hard times RR limited the enforcement of regulations on businesses & banks This DEREGULATION was supported by economic Conservatives who believe that regulation of businesses limits the free enterprise system Liberals support REGULATION!
RR limited enforcement of environmental protections Conservatives argue that jobs are more important than the environment— denying the impact of pollution Liberals argued that we can have jobs & environmental protection to ensure the health & well-being of the public & environment
Conservatives approved when RR took a rhetorical hard line against the Communist USSR RR significantly increased Cold War defense spending Liberals say the fall of the USSR was due to internal problems & the change of their leadership
Reaganomics, defense spending, & globalization had such a long-term impact that it is still debated TODAY! Yearly budget deficits because of the defense spending contributed to the US national debt tripling When many deregulated financial institutions failed, massive bail-outs added to the national debt & economic crisis of 1980 is being RELIVED TODAY
Neither Liberals or Conservatives addressed the issue of manufacturing jobs moving where labor costs are significantly lower New jobs in the US recently have been in low-paying service industries = low tax revenues Low wages & Reagan tax policy contributed to a widening gap between the rich & poor while, Consumerism & speculation fueled both prosperity & further speculation about the future of America
RR was able to change the vocabulary of politics to make conservatism synonymous with economic growth & traditional values While, Liberalism is synonymous with wasteful spending & an overweening gov’t Liberals tried to counter this, by portraying themselves as champions of the middle class and that the gov’t should protect the middle class