Information Literacy Lesson Search Engine Research 3 rd Grade Amie Mouser C&I 445 Spring 2013
AUTHOR RESEARCH Today’s students are growing up in a “Googling” world. Students may not understand what search engine options there are, how they work, and what strategies they can use to obtain the accurate and updated information they are seeking. OBJECTIVES Understand what a search engine is and how it works. Utilize search engines for students such as and Identify key words to use in a search Demonstrate how to use Google Advanced features. Document websites research is obtained from. Evaluate the content of a website. Complete the author biography form. Complete an evaluation form. STANDARDS I-SAIL: 1, 2, 3, & 5 Common Core: Reading Informational Text CC.3RI.5 & CC.3.RI.9 Reading Foundation Skills CC.3RF.4.a Writing CC.3.W.4, CC.3.W.7, CC.3.W.8, CC.3.W.2b Speaking and Listening CC.3SL.1.c
LESSON PLAN AND RESOURCES Super 3 1.Students will choose a children’s book author from a list chosen by the teacher. 2.Students will fill out a KWL chart about their author.KWL 3.Discuss search engines with students, and watch a web search strategies video.web search strategies video 4.Discuss Google and watch Google search strategies video.Google search strategies video. 5.Demonstrate how to use Google’s Advanced features using the Safe Search and Reading Level functions. 6.Discuss why websites have advertisements on them. 7.Discuss evaluating the content of a website. Do 1.Pass out the rubric to explain the requirements of the project. 2.Students need to use at least two search engines to complete their research, one being Google, and the other being a student search engine. 3.Students should gather info about their author from at least three different websites, and will document the websites used. 4.Students will complete the author biography form using the information they found. Review 1.Students will complete an evaluation form and participate in a class discussion to review what they learned and what they would do differently next time they have a research project. Plan
RESOURCES CATEGORY3210 Search Engines Used at least two search engines (one must be Google and one must be another student search engine) to locate author information. Used at least two search engines (but did not include Google) to locate author information. Used only one search engine to locate author information. Did not use a search engine to locate author information. Websites Researched 3 websites to obtain information about the author. Researched 2 websites to obtain information about the author. Researched 1 website to obtain information about the author. Did not use any websites to obtain information about the author. Documented Websites Documented all 3 websites used for research. Documented 2 websites used for research. Documented 1 website used for research. Did not document any websites used for research. Biography Form Author biography form is complete. Author biography form is mostly completed. Author biography form has little completed. Author biography form is not completed at all.