Heads of the Valleys Low Carbon Zone Programme 11 th November 2010 Sharanne Basham-Pyke, BITC Wales
mobilising business for good Engagement Meet the Buyer –25 businesses have requested follow up support in: Behaving as Responsible Business Procurement Environment HR practices Green Business Skills Forum –Representation from SMEs and large corporates –24 attendees –Chaired by Graham Edwards CEO, Wales and West Utilities –Sub Group established (Funding) Positive feedback – 35 businesses and a waiting list
mobilising business for good Significant progress in a short timescale Continued the success of Green Business Skills Forum –7 th May 2010 – UES –30 th June 2010 – Rockwool –7 th September 2010, Hosted HRH as part of Project Start –13 th October 2010 – Seeing is Believing –20 th /21 st October meetings with AMs (cross party) –December meeting with Ministers and AMs 6 Sub Groups –Funding, job creation, skills, social and indirect impact –Private Equity – opportunity for solar PV and other investments –Societal Impact –Curriculum Forum –Seeing is Believing –Procurement
mobilising business for good What businesses have been telling us The size of the business challenge in HOV The employability challenge The lack of green skills in the workforce The dependency on award of contract to make investments in skills They don’t have a collective voice SMEs want to grow their businesses by becoming part of the supply chain They want to do more!
mobilising business for good Importance of Training Sector Businesses don’t differentiate education and training in the same ways as the sectors They have genuine concerns about the right skills being available at the right time in the right place The Skills Audit and Needs Analysis has been shared with UHOVI (FE and HE) and the training sector – via Rachel Searle Opportunity To create a Low Carbon Zone in HoV and a green economy Risk LCZ is created but regeneration doesn’t happen as resources are shipped in..and then shipped out again!
mobilising business for good Any Questions?