List of Words for Chapter 6 Checking account Endorsement Blank endorsement Special endorsement Restrictive endorsement Postdated check Bank statement Dishonored check Electronic funds transfer Debit card Petty cash Petty cash slip
A bank account from which payments can be ordered by a depositor
A signature or stamp on the back of a check transferring ownership
An endorsement consisting only of the endorser’s signature
An endorsement indicating a new owner of a check
An endorsement restricting further transfer of a check’s ownership
A check with a future date on it
A report of deposits, withdrawals, and bank balances sent to a depositor by a bank
A check that a bank refuses to pay
A computerized cash payments system that uses electronic impulses to transfer funds
A bank card that, when making purchases, automatically deducts the amount of the purchase from the checking account of the cardholder
An amount of cash kept on hand and used for making small payments
A form showing proof of a petty cash payment
List of Words for Chapter 7 Fiscal period Work sheet Trial balance Adjustments Income statement Net income Net loss
The length of time for which a business summarizes and reports financial info.
A columnar accounting form used to summarize the general ledger information needed to prepare financial statements
A proof of the equality of debits and credits in a general ledger
Changes recorded on a work sheet to update general ledger accounts at the end of a fiscal period
A financial statement showing the revenue and expenses for a fiscal period
The difference between total revenue and total expenses when total revenue is greater
The difference between total revenue and total expenses when total expenses is greater