Writing a Compare and Contrast Essay Writing a Compare and Contrast Essay
How to organize a compare and contrast essay by using the block organization format. How to organize a compare and contrast essay by using the block organization format.
1.Introduction presents the subject that is to be compared or contrasted ends with a thesis statement that focuses the comparison or contrast
What is a thesis statement? A thesis statement declares what you believe and what you intend to prove. The thesis statement is typically located at the end of your opening paragraph. It is specific and focused. A strong thesis proves a point without discussing “everything about …” It clearly asserts your own conclusion based on evidence. It avoids the first person. ("I believe," "In my opinion")
2. Body Paragraph 1: includes a clear topic sentence about similarities supporting details (give details to develop and support the main idea of the paragraph)
3. Body Paragraph 2: includes a clear topic sentence about differences supporting details (give details to develop and support the main idea of the paragraph)
4. Conclusion summarizes the differences and similarities and allows writers to state their feeling about the topic.
Here is a quick breakdown: * Paragraph 1: Introduction (with Thesis Statement) * Paragraph 2: Body paragraph 1 - similarities * Paragraph 3: Body Paragraph 2 – differences * Paragraph 4: Conclusion
Another important thing is using comparison and contrast connectors to make your sentences & paragraphs clearer. Another important thing is using comparison and contrast connectors to make your sentences & paragraphs clearer.
Comparison and Contrast Connectors: SimilaritiesDifferencesAddition Similarly likewise on the other hand however in comparison but in contrast while whereas although even though nevertheless despite in spite of both...and not only...but also
1. A dump is an excavated piece of land used as storage for waste materials while a landfill is also an excavated piece of land for waste storage but it is regulated by the government. 2. A dump is smaller than a landfill. 3. A dump does not have leachate collection and treatment systems while a landfill does. 4. A landfill has a liner at the bottom to catch the liquid produced by solid waste while a dump does not have a liner. 5. Landfills are covered daily with soil to deter pests and prevent bad smells from being released into the air while dumps may be covered or not. 6. After a while, landfills might produce toxic gases which are released into the air and ground because the waste materials cannot rot while dumps are hazards because they can be located anywhere.
Dumps are just a big hole or a big pile of garbage and possibly other dangerous things. They do not prevent the waste from coming into contact with the ground, they are full of rats, roaches, and other vermin, and they stink. A landfill is lined with waterproof materials, such as clay and plastic, that prevent rainwater and other liquids that ooze out of waste from getting into the environment and contaminating the ground. They also have drains that capture anything that oozes out so it can be treated or disposed of properly and special water wells all around that are monitored for any leaks. Landfills also have some sort of control over what goes in so the protection can be designed properly.