Chapter 11 Causes of the Civil War Question: Name three differences between the North and the South.
Lesson 1: The Sectional Conflict Labor System South Slave and free labor North Free labor Fugitive Slave Law Supported lawOpposed law Economic Direction Expanded farming/limited industry Expanded industry/limited farming Slavery in Territories Supported slaveryOpposed slavery
I. Different Regions, Different Needs A. Free labor: a system of work in which employees have the right to leave their employers and their jobs for better opportunities-used by the North. B. South-wanted more cotton and slaves-even those who didn’t own slaves.
II. A Delicate Balance A. The Missouri Compromise 1. Missouri wanted to join the Union in 1819 with a constitution to protect slavery. 2. Off set the balance: equal slaves state and free state. 3. House of Rep dominated by North and the Senate was dominated by the South. 4. Second issue: slavery expanding into the West.
5. For North/South states they used the Mason and Dixon’s line but there had been no line drawn west of the Mississippi.
B. Forging a Compromise A Maine applied for statehood. B The Missouri Compromise was worked out and supported by Henry Clay. Missouri-Slave state Maine-Free state C. Prohibited slavery in other American territories west of Mississippi River and north of Missouri’s southern boundary.
Reflection What is sectionalism and how did it affect the North and the South?
The Missouri Compromise Admission of Missouri as a slave state would upset balance Maine admitted as a free state, Missouri as slave state 36 o 30' line divided rest of Louisiana Purchase into slave and free territories 36 o 30'
C. South Relies on Senatorial Power South fought for equality. 2. North controlled House of Rep since it had a higher Pop.
D. South Eyes Texas for Slavery Texas declared themselves independent. 2. Wanted to join the Union as a slave state. 3. The North did not want to accept them because of a possible war with Mexico. 4. Eventually Congress Bowed to Southern pressure and allowed annexation.
III. Sectionalism Deepens 1. May 1846-Mexico and U.S. at war. A. North Backs the Wilmot Proviso 1. Congressman David Wilmot, a Penn Democrat and previous Polk supporter Wilmot Proviso-an amendment to a bill to finance the war. a. Prohibited slavery in territories won from Mexico. b. Passed the House but not the Senate.
Wilmot Proviso
B. Compromise of 1850 Reopens Wounds 1. Should the lands won from Mexico to be open to slavery? 2. South-Yes wanted more cotton. 3. North-NO-If slavery took root then they couldn’t settle there.
The Man who caused problems..
C. Controversy-The Prigg Decision 1. Relieved Northerners of the responsibility of returning fugitive slaves. 2. Southerners wanted a stronger federal law to regain their “property.”
D. Results of the Compromise 1. The Compromise of 1850 handed the South harsher Fugitive Slave Law and created Utah and New Mexico as a slave state. 2. Offered California admission as a free state. 3. Ended public sale of slaves in Washington D.C. 4. For the 1 st time free states outnumbered the slave states in the Senate. 5. The harsher Fugitive Slave Law led to hostility in the North and the South the need to defend their way of life.