Wiess School of Natural Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities Dan Carson, Dean May 12, 2009
Carson Background BA – University of Pennsylvania Ph.D – Temple University School of Medicine Post-doctoral fellow – Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Asst – Full Professor – MD Anderson Cancer Center Chair – Department of Biological Sciences, University of Delaware (Human Health Initiative, programs with Graham Cancer Center, TJU, AI duPont Childrens Hospital) Active research program in reproductive and cancer biology
What are the Wiess School challenges? Provide key core courses (Math, Biology, Chemistry) for a variety of majors Maintain research functions of 6 departments and 4 institutes Retain outstanding faculty members Juggle budget demands Balance need to fulfill School core missions and provide community outreach functions with essential role of School in interdisciplinary activities
What are the Wiess School opportunities? New courses and curricula – Energy, Science Policy, Human Biology, joint programs with TMC partners Enhance research activity through collaboration and partnerships – Rice, TMC, other area partners Recruitment of outstanding new faculty members Resource redeployment Refinement of our unique role in Houston and the region
How do we get there? Step 1. Listen and Learn 1. Meet the faculty members in the school 2. Meet and develop rapport with key administrators and faculty members from other Rice Schools 3. Meet with and understand current goals and challenges facing other Houston partners (TMC, corporate and government) 4. Be alert, flexible and adaptable – Rice’s size advantage
What initiatives are emerging? Energy – Integration of campus efforts NASA – JSC, LPI TMC – BCM and others