January 2009 County Mathematics Leadership Team Meeting Lou Maynus, WVDE Mathematics Coordinator Lynn Baker, RTI Mathematics Contact Alma Simpson, Instructional Materials Coordinator
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What should counties consider when adopting new mathematics textbooks? Amount of professional development required when selecting a “bundled” program. Adopting the same series within a programmatic level in order to insure vertical alignment and consistent vocabulary presentation. Alignment of selected series across programmatic levels. Adopting a series that meets the needs of students who can easily master Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II as well as those who will need additional support through Algebra I Support and Conceptual Math (21 st Century Algebra). The adoption should provide: (a) formative assessment and prescriptive instruction/intervention (b) web–based access at school and home RESA-based Adoption
What should counties consider when adopting new mathematics textbooks? Opportunity for teachers to improve their own content knowledge
Directions to access: Review Report for Mathematics Instructional Materials Adoption Go to &vsele= Select a grade level or course Select all vendors Submit Query Click on the title of a student edition for the review report of an individual resource. Click on view all primary books (in the upper left hand corner) of the new window that opens to see review results of all resources for that grade/course You will be viewing all materials at that particular grade level and their evaluation ratings for each area of the criteria.
Implications for Response to Intervention in Mathematics Lynn Baker
Mathematics Listserv Lou Maynus at
Contacts Lou Maynus, Mathematics Lynn Baker, RTI Mathematics Alma Simpson, Instructional Materials