facebook Just Listen is a very good book! WallPhotosFlairBoxesJust ListenLogout View Photos Send message Poke Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Penguin Group Inc. Birthday: 2006 Genre: Fiction Audience: Young Adult Hometown: New York Friends New york times Sarah Dessen Owen Whitney Borders Borders Book Store Pick up a copy of this book at our nearest retailer and read about the amazing story. New York Times Just Listen is one of are best selling books, come and buy it now! Sarah Dessen This is one of my best books I’ve Wrote so far! Sarah Dessen I have other books out too!
Personal Information facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJust ListenLogout View photos) Send message Poke Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Photos Networks: Penguin Group Inc. Genre: Fiction Birthday: 2006 Hometown: AroundNew York Relationship Status: No prequels or sequels Audience: Young Adult Activities: Modeling Interests: Modeling Favorite Music: Religious music, pop, hip hop Favorite Movies: Modeling movies, movies with people that are sick Favorite TV Shows: News, Modeling Shows Favorite Books: What Happened to goodbye, this lullaby, that summer Whitney 2 Albums New York Airport where they pick up Whitney About Me About Me: The book starts out with three girls that are sisters. There all models. But the main character t ells her parents that she doesn’t want to be a model anymore. So she drops out, but her parents say you know you’ve been in modeling since you were a baby. Then when they pick up her sister from the airport she ‘s still in modeling, she has a shoot coming up. Whitney goes to her shoot and notices that all the girl there are skinner than her. When she get s back she starves herself. She covers it by wearing baggy clothes. When finally she goes to take and her sister(also the main character) finds he in the shower with the ribs sticking out. Her dad comes in and calls the ambulance. Then at school the main character meets a bot named Owen. He takes her to his sister school to pick her before he takes her home. When her sister goes to get in the car she freaks out because her brothers friends with a model. Just Listen is a very good book! Networks: Penguin Group Inc. Birthday: 2006 Genre: Fiction Audience: Young Adult Hometown: New York
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJust ListenLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Just Listen Just Listen Photos New York 2 photos 5 photosProfile Pictures 1 photo Just Listen is a vary good book!