SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT DPAC Meeting Thursday, May 15, 2014
BCTF Strike Action DPAC Meeting May 15, 2014
Level One Strike Action One hour prior to and after school No written or verbal communication with administrators No supervision DPAC MeetingMay 15, 2014
Level One Strike Action Impact on the District and Schools Management completing supervision Impact varies from site to site DPAC MeetingMay 15, 2014
Level One Strike Action Specifics Field Trips Overnight Trips Track Meets Grade 5 Swim Program Action Plan Visits Pro-D Day Collaboration Time Assessments DPAC MeetingMay 15, 2014
Level One Strike Action Update BCTF Bargaining BCTF Plan BCPSEA Response DPAC MeetingMay 15, 2014
Level One Strike Action Questions? DPAC MeetingMay 15, 2014
Program Moves DPAC Meeting May 15, 2014
Program Moves Long Term Facilities Plan Board Priorities French Immersion Alternate Programs James Anderson Learning Centre APEX Secondary DPAC MeetingMay 15, 2014
Consolidation of the James Anderson Learning Centre and APEX Secondary Programs Educational Rationale for Decision Moving the JALC program will provide additional educational opportunities for both programs Discussions have taken place throughout the school year regarding the creation of a new Alternative High School that would incorporate learners at JALC, APEX and others where the current traditional structures do not meet their needs APEX and JALC students will benefit from increased educational opportunities (course offerings, off-site possibilities and flexibility) that can not be provided to the current cohort of less than 100 students The James Anderson site is inadequate for the needs of the student body (lack of classroom, gym and cafeteria space) DPAC MeetingMay 15, 2014
Consolidation of the James Anderson Learning Centre and APEX Secondary Programs Consultation Process At the January 29, 2013 Regular Board Meeting, a motion was passed making the Alternate Program Long Term Facilities Plan recommendation a priority Information was provided to the Education Committee of the Board at four meetings, October 2013 to January 2014, with a recommendation to develop an Alternative High School hub model for September 2014 The Board of Education passed a motion on April 29, 2014 instructing the District Leadership Team to explore cost savings measures for the school year The Board of Education passed a motion on May 14, 2014 approving the budget savings realized from the consolidation of the two programs DPAC MeetingMay 15, 2014