Attendance Training Teachers and Support Staff
Thank You so much for your desire to help make CHS a success. Without the combined efforts of everyone it would not be possible. We are a team working together to help run a very important step in a students life. This manual is a guide line to help us perform our jobs in the most professional way possible. THANK YOU
Attendance Staff Positions Attendance Administrator Attendance Secretary Attendance Secretary- Trunency Attendance Secretary- Data Entry Parent Volunteers
Communication Adium Required list of personnel Alert attendance office if not in your room.
Relay information to attendance relating to students failure to attend school. Inform one another of any information regarding students to help teachers and support staff help each student perform the best they can at CHS.
Hall Pass REQUIRED Clip Board Data Sheet filled in Limit Student dismissal from class
Intercom Dismissal from class Will Call into room with the intercom NO calls into rooms during testing times. NO release of students until end of the period during testing times. Auto dialer message to call home to alert parents of testing times and guidelines. Exception -In an emergency Will use Adium to contact teacher for dismissal of student. Watch for students using cell phones to alert parents they are finished with the exam.
White Button White button in classroom Push this button in an emergency Contact is the main office
Admission Slips Yellow slip Admits Student to class Return to the attendance office Used when student is late to school Late to class
Check out Pass Students wishing to sign out early Present a note from guardian to the attendance office first thing in the morning. Attendance verifies the note and write a check out pass. Student picks up the pass before dismissal time, to present to the teacher for dismissal. Student brings the pass to attendance for dismissal and signs out.
Substitute Teachers Send attendance down on attendance form after each period.
Coding PARENT NOTES All absences/ tardiness/ early dismissals are UNEXCUSED until appropriate verification is presented to the attendance office. All verifications should be delivered within 2 days. 5 PN are allowed per semester. All EXCUSED/UNEXCUSED absences count toward the requirements of exemption testing.
Entering Data Enter attendance in the first few minutes of class. Never ADD or CHANGE data that is already posted. Alert attendance office with / Adium of any possible error. Attendance will change it.
CODES Blank-Present U-Unexcused A-Excused C-Tardy to class L-Tardy to school-Excused M-Tardy to school-Unexcused S-Suspended I-In school Suspension F-Field Trip D-Early dismissal-Unexcused/E-Excused H- Homebound
Field Trips All Field Trips are REQUIRED to be requested through administration/approved and then will be forwarded to attendance office for posting. If Field Trip is canceled/ Rescheduled please alert Attendance office. If students do not attend field trip please alert attendance office ASAP
Computer Problems Please contact Technology personnel via website Innovation eworkOrders Turn in Manual Attendance Use a fellow workers computer to fill out order.
Truancy Referral Guide lines-Fill out form Please notify attendance office if you know a student will be out more than 2 days-via . Notify attendance if a student is out 5 consecutive days or out frequently with unexcused absences or tardys.
THANK YOU If you have any questions or comments. Please contact the Attendance Office #2109