Common Core State Standards A Brief Overview for Staff Members of Public Schools of Petoskey September 2011
Led and developed by the states (not the federal government) in ELA & Math Initiative by the Council of Chief State School Officers and National Governors Association Common Core Background
What are Common Core Standards? Why do they matter?
The Development Process College and career standards - Summer of 2009 Input - Educators, business, higher ed., governors Public comment - 10,000 responses Final ELA & math standards - Summer of 2010
Why is This Important for Students, Teachers, and Parents? Prepares students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in college and work & aligns with knowledge/skill expectations Ensures consistent expectations regardless of a student’s zip code Provides educators, parents, and students with clear, focused guidelines
Core Curriculum Related to GLCE/HSCE K-8 th Common Core Will not significantly change GLCE requirements Informs curriculum, instruction & assessment Stresses communication, accessing information, problem solving, & forming an argument 9 th -12 th Common Core Will not significantly change HSCE & MMC requirements Informs curriculum, instruction & assessment Stresses Communication, accessing information, problem solving, & forming an argument
What’s in the Standards?
General Component in All Standards “Promoting a culture of high expectations for all students is a fundamental goal of the Common Core State Standards.”
Literacy’s Key Components Reading Increased complexity of texts Balance in literature and informational Writing Writing about sources Emphasis on argument, information, & explanatory Speaking, Listening, & Language Reading and Writing- Across Curriculum Does not replace content standards in those subjects. It is the responsibility of teachers in those subject areas.
Math’s Key Components Standards for Mathematical Practice Carry across all grade levels Describe habits of mind of a mathematically-skilled student Standards for Mathematical Content K-8 standards presented by grade level High school standards presented by conceptual theme Emphasis on problem solving & communication
Common Core: What They Do & Do Not DO NOT DEFINE How teachers teach Advanced work beyond the core Interventions DO Focus on key topics Balance skills & concepts Foster higher order thinking & communication
Math Key Advances “Standards alone will not change learning; teachers will.” You can access this article at: nology_services/article_2.pdf nology_services/article_2.pdf
Transition Timeline Getting to Know the Common Core Implementing the Common Core MEAP Minimally Modified & MME Stays Same MEAP Minimally Modified & MME Stays Same Full Implementation of Common Core for Instruction & State Assessments
Hang On for the Exciting Ride! Go PLCs!