SIP and Open Source Alan Percy AudioCodes, Ltd.
September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 3 The Open Source Challenge As a commercial company, we need to balance: Contributing to Open Source Development Leveraging Opportunities Market Evolution Making Money Maintaining Intellectual Property Staying in Business
September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 4 Working in a GPL environment Challenge: How to contribute without giving away the store? Commercial Software Open Source Software ?
September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 5 Example: API in Open Source? Interface Software API / Library It’s virtually impossible to use an API without somehow exposing the header files and API objects!
September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 6 SIP to the Rescue SIP Interface SIP provides the “common ground” SIP
September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 7 SIP (and other standards) have created an environment where open source software can be developed, leveraging commercial software/devices. –Without cheating the spirit of the GPL –Without giving away intellectual property Positive Side Effects: –Open Source developers can leverage industry-leading Research and Development departments –Interoperability
September 10-12, 2007 Los Angeles Convention Center Los Angeles, California 8 Thanks! Questions / Want to learn more? Visit us at Booth #219