On the next slide, choose a number, and work out the question in response to the answer given. click once on the number to check if your answer is correct.
What is the game you play where you get tangled up with your friends? Twister What is a drawing toy with a grey screen where you turn knobs to draw? Etch a Sketch What is the name of the soldier figure made for boys? Persecution What is the name of the spinning plastic disc you throw and catch? Frisbee What is the construction toy made of plastic bricks? LEGO What is the electric race track game? Scalextric What is the game where you win all the pieces to build the trap? Mousetrap Scalextric 2 LEGO 1 Mousetrap 3 Etch A Sketch 6 Frisbee 5 Twister 4 What is the game where pull you out straws to win marbles? Kerplunk Action Man 7 What is the plastic race track for your model cars? Hot Wheels Kerplunk 8 Hot Wheels 9