Features from Google+ Lots of fields – very broadly important Ubiquitous – affects everybody Security and Privacy Recommender systems scarily accurate personalization Analytics The Black Side – “NSA Scandal” – “Social uses” Cloud Computing Changing way of life and way of business Malls? Computer centers? As a zero sum game Value of ad-hoc data such as ranking/free text search Revolution in artificial intelligence Ad-hoc v structure Industry lots of secret data Industry ahead in #computers, #people, #data Will create jobs and also take some away Big Data anonymous – it wields its power behind the scenes
Topics from Google+ Science Health E-commerce, e-medi Business Processes, marketing, operational efficiency Energy (wind farm to smart grid) Simulations based on Big Data Sports Translation, Voice to text, driving cars Search Internet of things Home automation
Features from Google+ Does “Big Data” quash or help identify individuality Long tail is found from recommender engines Big data can only grow! scientists scientists bhambhri-on-what-is-a-data-scientist/ bhambhri-on-what-is-a-data-scientist/ data-storage-fetish/ data-storage-fetish/ For most of the 20th century, business leaders relied on “scientific” studies and “statistical significance” to determine what information they could trust. Now, technology is making those assumptions obsolete and the practice of management will never be the same; it is much more than a change in technology, it represents a structural transformation in managing enterprises. Big Data related services are all what the startups of 2013 were about. In 2013, most of the new startups that made it to the top 100 list were based on Big Data and Cloud Computing.