Marriage and the Bible Based on the Living in Love Series by Richard L. Strauss, Biblical Studies Foundation
Never the Wrong People Chapter 9: Zechariah and Elizabeth
Class Consciousness Who held the distinction of the “elite class” in Jerusalem in Jesus’ day? –Descendents of Aaron –About 20,000 of them in and around Jerusalem Many in this group were proud, bigoted, arrogant, indulgent, self-seeking, and only outwardly religious. –Remember Jesus’ depiction of a priest in the parable of the Good Samaritan.
What’s in a Name? Zechariah and Elizabeth are both from the line of Aaron. Zechariah translates to “The LORD remembers.” Elizabeth translates to “the oath of God.” –Elizabeth shares the name of Aaron’s wife. –By law, a priest was only to marry a woman of the highest reputation.
Devout Example Luke 1:6 –Both of them were upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commandments and regulations blamelessly. “Blamelessly” – Their hearts were in the right place. “in the sight of God” – Their devotion was not an outwardly show, but a submission to God.
Devout Example Their devotion to God was no doubt the foundation to a strong and loving martial relationship. Zechariah and Elizabeth also lived lives of relative humility for their priestly class. –Note Luke 1:39-40 –They did not live in the upscale surroundings of Jerusalem or Jericho.
But they had no children… See Luke 1:13 –This was a desire of their hearts. –They committed this to prayer. Outward vs. Inward Honor –Childlessness was a stigma in that society. –Rabbis insisted it was the result of divine disfavor. –Zechariah would have been “justified” to establish his lineage elsewhere.
Discussion What purpose do you suppose God had in making Elizabeth barren? What does this say about challenges God has put in your life? 2 things to consider… –They committed it to prayer, in likely mutual support. –Zechariah moved on with God’s immediate purpose for his life.
One Fine Day at the Temple NOT a run-of-the-mill day for Zechariah… –Zechariah served in the 8 th of 24 courses. –Each course served at the temple 2 times per year. –Each course had nearly 1,000 priests. –This may have been Zechariah’ one and only experience in the Holy Place. Zechariah completed his duties and was surprised by a divine encounter.
Faith Caching Up to Events WHY do you suppose Zechariah responded the way he did to the angel’s proclamation? Read Romans 10:17 What was particularly gracious about the affliction God gave to Zechariah? Imagine the charades Zechariah had to pull off when he got home to Elizabeth!!!
Elizabeth’s Ministry God had a clear and specific purpose for Elizabeth in the area of ministry. What was it? Read Luke 1:43 –Elizabeth clearly understood the purpose in both of their pregnancies. –Elizabeth had no problems showing due honor to Mary’s child. –No evidence of Elizabeth questioning why she didn’t get the higher honor.
Sheer Excitement Zechariah and Elizabeth no doubt poured over the scriptures to fully learn and appreciate God’s chosen role for their son and the Savior for whom he would be the forerunner. Their son would be a significant blessing not only to them, but for the nation (and world) as a whole.
His Name is “John” Translates to “The LORD is gracious.” Jesus Himself describes him as the greatest among men. Read Luke 1:68-73 –What is conspicuously missing from Zechariah’ song? –What does this teach us about the greatest of blessings that God has given us?
Surrender and Faith This is a story about patience, faithfulness, thanksgiving, and outward ministry. At the time, God’s promises (for this family and the nation as a whole) seemed impossible. Zechariah and Elizabeth responded in faith. Zechariah and Elizabeth responded with ministry to others.
Application Which of God’s promises do you find hard to believe? How long does your faith persevere in the face of “unanswered” prayers? What is your strongest inclination when blessing does come your way?
Further Reading Luke 6:20-26 Matthew 5:1-12 –How do these passages support the assertions made in this outline as to Zechariah and Elizabeth’s character? Numbers 12 –How does this passage contrast the reaction Elizabeth had toward Mary?