Presentation Preview o What is GINI? - Global Integrated Network of IEEE students o It’s Origin and Purpose. o Why there is a need of GINI? o How it will make difference?
Introduction to GINI Five year Project to Integrate all IEEE R10 Branches. Integration…? Co-Operation Co-Ordination Help & Support Strengthening Sometimes Inspiration Inspired From LINK.
LINK – The Origin The purpose of LINK was to act as a conjunctive body, ensemble the Student Branches coming under IEEE Kerala Section GOALS Add Value to IEEE Student membership. Sustain smooth and ongoing interactions among the Student Branches and Section. Help the Student Branches in coordinating with Annual Reports as well as other IEEE related documentations. Conduct Membership Drives in all the interested Educational Institutions LINK takes the responsibility of coordinating and grooming the new Student Branches in the initial years. Identify potential volunteers and groom them to take up the leadership of LINK as well as other IEEE activities in the forthcoming year. Source :
The Results
Purpose Of GINI…? To act as a conjunctive body, ensemble the Student Branches coming under IEEE Region10. Membership Drives IEEE Awareness Spectrum Issues Stabilizing IEEE Offices and the Volunteers Branch Counselor – Institution Management Issues Helping the Section
So How does it work…? Active Student Branch In active Student Branch
So How does it work…? Active Student Branch
So How does it work…?
At success of GINI…?
Thank you….? Osaid Khaliq Chair IEEE SEECS SSR IEEE Islamabad Section Ex-Com Member Gini Project Cell: